Chapter 11

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Mason's Audi R8 is currently soaking wet. Well, just the driver's seat but nah! No worries, he loves me!

I ran inside my house, threw his keys on the couch and advanced to my room in a speed of light. That boy!

I took a quick shower and got myself dried up as well as my hair. I decided to put on a pair of short shorts and made my way to my room to get my top. I'm wearing a bra, ok?

In this california king bed, we're ten thousand miles apart

I've been California wishing on these stars

For your heart for me

My California king

The song blasted out of my phone's speaker as I sang with it. I wonder how it feels spending the night with Mason and waking up in the morning beside him. Again. Hmmm... Winter's coming and I probably should have something... or someone to warm me up at night. Don't get me wrong! You know, just hugs and cuddles. I smiled at the thought oh him but I was snapped out as I heard my door slammed against the door. Hard.

I gaped at the sight of Mason.

Oh! That oh-so-licking-good body of him! The sight of him made me shiver with delight instead of being scared. Chest as hard as stone, toned muscles and that sexy V below his navel. Gawd! Why does he have to wear his shorts so low?! His briefs is litteraly showing!

I looked up at him and realized that he was doing the same thing. I even saw his jaw clenched and his adam's apple moved as he gulped. My cheeks heated up when I realized what made him stare that way.

Cheese and rice! I'm just wearing a short shorts and a bra!!!!!

...but let's play along. I barely see Mason blush and it's definitly a payback time!

I smirked at him sexily.

"Mase? When you're finished checking me out, will you close the door, g-e-n-t-l-y?" I spelled out the last word for him for emphasis. He'll break the door in no time if he keeps on doing that!

He looked at me, snapping away from his silent argument inside him.

He smiled cockily. "Ha! Says the one who's practically drooling just a second ago"

I gasped and yelled at him. "Excuse you! I. am. not. drooling!"

"Oh yeah?" he asked me while making his way towards me. I was brought dead on my track. Gawd! He's soooo... hot!

"Yeah! I... uh... yeah... I.... errrr.... not... uhm...." Great! Just great!

He let out a soft chuckle. He stopped just a few inches before me and bent down because I'm  looking down at my feet in shame. Perhaps I can act like it's the most interesting thing in this planet.

He held my chin up, forcing my eyes to look at him.

"You look adorable when you stutter" compliments? WOW! Totally wow!

"And Ave?" he continued.

"Don't call me 'Mase', I'm not gay"

"I... did I?" I asked and tried using my charms.

He nodded and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Oh" it was all I can say. I can't concentrate, I can feel the heat of his freaking body!!!!!!!!!!

Gawddamn! What to do? What to do?? I had a small battle inside my head. I was about to pull back but he smashed his lips onto mine.

Oh. My. God. Mason just kissed me. For the second time. Seriously?! What's in his freaking mind! My eyes widen as I held his arms for support. My knees are wobbling right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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