The Valley of Repulse

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We have arrived to a place that really looked like the valley of Triumph at night . "Welcome to the valley of Repulse ." Said Akiro with a gloomy tune . "So you are doing the tour !" Said Ty jokingly.  "She just doesn't know it here ,okay ?" He said kind of annoyed . "What's wrong ? Is everything ok ? You don't seem as joyful as yourself ." I said . Akiro sighed and looked at me sadly look : " It's just ... I have bad memories here , and I don't want to talk about them .... And the race is a scam to put people's lives in danger ."  I got stunned . "Wait , you've been here before ?" Ty asked . "I have been to Eden before , don't be surprised ." He said with a brag-ish tone . I giggled then said :"This is the guy I know !" He smiled back to me then we all walked in . Akiro seemed really carful with his steps but Ty didn't get why , he was just walking through the snow . I was walking around joyfully , some memories of the valley coming back to me . Then I felt a want to cry , I felt very worried about my brother , He seemed very injured and I wanted to check on him . "Why did you stop ?" Asked Ty . "There is something wrong , what is it? " Asked Akiro.  "We didn't meet long ago and you got to know me well ! ... You hear me saying that my brother is waiting,but ... I am not sure he is ." I said.  "What do you mean ?" Asked Akiro . "I am not sure if he is alive . Something happened before I entered this world that injured my brother , and seeing him like this for the first time was ... Too much for me to take in , all with the crazy event that was going on .... I am worried ." I said letting everything out . "I am sorry , I never experienced something like that before . I ... Don't know what to say ..." Akiro stuttered out . I understood his situation . "He will be fine , trust that ." Said Ty . "What , why would you say that ?"  I asked.  "If you are that worried , that means you love him so much , and he loves you too , so he will try anything to heal himself for you , because he knows that your life is hard without him." He said . I felt kind of shocked , I never thought Ty would say that , I mean .. they are children of the darkness , how would he know ? "How do you know all that ?" I asked . "I am a big brother at the end . I hope my little brother is fine without me , he never liked me anyway ." He said casually. How could he be fine with that !? "Seems like you suffered a lot ." Said Akiro who I forgot about . "True ." Said Ty. I thought for a while , deeply thinking of what he said ." But ... He may think I am gone ... I entered a misterious void that everyone knows nothing about. " I said . Everyone looked surprised . Silence filled the place . Ty came closer to me . "You will get hurt if you touch me , I am a child of the light.  Thanks anyway ." I said depressingly. "The sooner you get back the better chance he would have hope of meeting you again , so let's go !" Said Akiro encouragingly . He was right . I got up and ready to move . I was sliding slowly as they walked with caution . "Be carful , we don't want any accident to go on ." Said Ty . "Yeah , I could take care of myself ." I said sliding faster . "Wait ! Hold on !" Shouted Akiro running behind me . I stopped then rolled my eyes . "Let me lead the way , the path will branch up soon ." He said . I agreed , and I was stuck behind a slow walker . He led us through some paths and I... Got bored.  Just then Akiro slipped , the back of his head crashed into the floor . The path was going downwards so he kept on sliding.  I slid faster to catch up to him . He was going super sonic speed ! I eventually got behind him but up ahead was the valley . If I didn't stop him , we would fall all the way down . I was horrified.  I grabbed him from his shirt but I wasn't slowing him down . The cliff was near . "I know it is gonna hurt , but you have to trust me !" I said " What are you planning  ?" He asked . "I can't explain just try and slide on your belly ." I said . He did and of the cliff he went . I used my cape to catch up and grab his hand . We both got hurt but I squeezed his hand so he doesn't let go . We were slowly flying down . "So that's flying ! It is amazing !" He said after getting used to it. We glided down safely . Our hearts were going to stop . That was intense . We laughed the laugh that meant . "We almost died " ( you know ,the one where you are like laughing and about to cry from being scared .) Ty was on the cliff , looking at us from the top . I could see the worry in him . He suddenly dropped to the floor . I flew to check him out . "You okay Ty ?" I asked . "You asking me !? You could've died ! I am glad you are both fine ." He said then stood up . "I think I have enough lights to take you down . This will hurt a bit ." I said . And with that , we glided down . I started feeling weak , I only had 2 lights left . "Don't worry , there are some candles at the race ." Said Akiro . We moved on to where the race was ,since it was the fastest way across . The race started , at the end was a very big and creepy black hole . It turns out to be the fake prize . It seemed powerful.  We slid down the path. It was so fun and easy since candles lit the way , but the boys weren't having much fun . I tried to teach then how to balance in the middle of the path because it was the only place that candles can't reach . They did that and had some fun . We found many racers injured by the candles , the boys helped out even if the response wasn't as nice . The race ended and I was the first . As Akiro said , it was just a scam . We got to the temple . "Wait , The keys !!!" I said Totally forgetting about them . "I kept an eye out on the keys , I found 2 ." Said Akiro . "I found 1 ." Said Ty taking it out of his pocket . "One left , use the jem ." I said . He raised the jem and said a rhyming phrase . The purple shimmers showed the way to a high hill near us . "I will get it ." I said , then I flew towards it . I ran out of lights almost halfway through , so I climbed up to get it . I did and flew down.  I tumbled at the landing as I was very tiered and I need healing . "My lights are running out faster than usual ." I said . "That hill is made of red crystals , I think we should keep going . I got up and limped my way to the temple . I rested there a little , but I was still out of lights . We headed on to the next destination. I got a little nap before going in .

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