My Brothers Best Friend

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"Hey y/n, the guys are coming over today, so make sure the house is clean." my annoying brother Jihoon tells me.

I groan, place my book that I was very much immersed in on the table, lean my head back, and sigh.

"they're YOUR friends! Why do I have to clean?" I ask, turning around to face him.

"Because I told you so, and I'm older, so I'm in charge." he says with a smug smile on his face.

I get up with a groan, stretch, and walk over so that I'm standing in front of him.

"Alright fine. But don't be surprised if I put some of your items on display." I say while laughing.

"Oh yeah? Let's see what you can do. Besides, the guys already know everything about me. Go ahead and show whatever you want."

He smiles proudly and puts his hands on his hips, while I start to remove the chip bags thrown all over the couch.

Time goes by and I'm sitting on the couch in the living room. I'm scrolling through Instagram when the doorbell rings.

"Ayo y/n, they're here."

"I can see that Jihoon."

He opens the door and eleven loud men enter the house. They bring tons of ramen packets, sausage, kimchi, soda, and rice. I can't help but think to myself how much of a mess this is going to be.

They all walk past the living room saying "Hi" and make their way to the kitchen. I get up to greet them back, but my heart starts racing when I see a specific individual.

"Hey y/n." he says in his deep, sexy voice with an absolutely stunning smile. The way his hair is parted down the middle and his plain white t-shirt with black jeans and a black jacket complete the look. Yes, it's simple, but stunning on him.

''H-hey Haruto" I mentally slap myself for stuttering.

'Y/n you're such a disappointment, why are you so obvious! Please be calm.'

He smiles and walks by me, followed by Jeongwoo. Junghwan puts his arm around my shoulder and leads me to my room.

Me and Junghwan have always been close. Ever since Jihoon joined SOPA and got in a class with Junkyu, Hyunsuk, and Yoshi he got introduced to the rest of the boys and ever since then they've been inseparable. Me and Junghwan are the same age and easily got close to each other. We are in the same class at school and I tell him everything, so he knows about my crush on Haruto.

We go to my room and sit down on my bed. He looks at me expectantly and places his chin on his hands.

"Alright, FINE! I'm always such a mess in front of him. I can't hold a proper conversation, make eye contact, and I always see him rejecting other girls who are MUCH prettier than me. I should just give up Hwanie. He's too good for me." I ramble on and sigh pitying myself.

"Yeah, Ruto hyung is too good for you. I think you should give up." He says nonchalantly.

" SO JUNGHWAN!" I yell, and throw a pillow at him.

"What?" he asks while dodging the pillow.

"You're supposed to support and help me. Not disregard my feelings"

"I AM supporting you. You've had this crush on him for YEARS, y/n. I think it's about time for you to say something or get rid of your feelings for him."

I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off.

"Keep this in mind though, there might be a reason why he keeps rejecting those girls at school."

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