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*DISCLAIMER* this story was requested by a friend of mine so I used she/her pronouns and if you are uncomfortable with it I completely understand if you skip this chapter. 

Now on to the story!


I finally am finished with promotions and can go home to Y/n. I haven't seen her in so long i'm so excited to finally see her beautiful smile in person.

I reach our street and as I turn the corner I see her walking out of the house. I smile looking at how effortlessly beautiful she is. From the way every hair is placed perfectly on her head to the way she smiles looking around admiring nature.

I'm about to call her name when I see another man call her name and get out of his car.

I don't know what they're talking about but she hugs him and he helps her get in his car.

They drive off and I stand there confused on what just happened.

4 hours have gone by and still no trace of her. No call or text. I sit patiently waiting for her to return.

10 minutes later the door opens and Y/n and the guy walk in.

"Thank you so much for today Jungkook I had a lot of fun"

"Of course, anytime you need me just give me a call. I'd be HAPPY to be with you"

I'm watching this interaction from the kitchen and I immediately get bad vibes from this Jungkook guy.

"Will do. Thanks again and get home safely"

"I will bye"

She closes the door and puts her bags down heading to the couch.

I walk out of the kitchen door making my presence known to her.

"WHANIE YOURE BACK" she screams and immediately runs and jumps into my arms

"Yes I'm back" I say while laughing at her reaction. She hits my arm and says

"You idiot you didn't even tell me you were coming home today. I didn't get time to prepare anything" She says while walking away

I pull her arm and bring her back to me engulfing her in a hug

"You're all I need" I say while resting my chin on her head

We spend the rest of the day cuddling, watching movies, and just talking about what all was going on in our lives when I finally bring up Jungkook.

"Hey babe" I say. She hums in response

"Who was that guy you were with earlier?"

"Oh that's Jungkook one of Jisoo's friends" she says

"I didn't get good vibes from him" I say while pouting

She laughs and snuggles closer to me.

"There's no need to be jealous whanie, I'm all yours" she says smiling up at me.

I look down and give her a kiss

"Good because I don't want you leaving me EVER. I don't know what I would do. I love you too much"

She laughs and says "Me too whanie I love you with all my heart and more"

We stay like that for the rest of the night. Her snuggled up in my arms just enjoying each others presence. Soon Y/n falls asleep and I then realize how fast my heart is beating. It's so funny how we've known each other for years, dated for two, and yet I still get butterflies and fall in love every time I look at her.

She flutters open those beautiful eyes of hers with the long lashes I adore.

"Hmm did I fall asleep?" Y/n cutely says while rubbing her eyes.

"Yes you did babe" I tease her and bring her even closer for a tight cuddle.

"Oh I'm sorry, today's been a long day" she says.

"It's fine, let's go to bed" I say.

She hums in response and we go to bed. I lay there and smile loving everything about this.

Before I fall asleep I lean over and whisper in Y/n's ear.

"I love you"

I see her smile and then I lie back down starting to drift off to dreamland when I faintly hear

"I love you too."


author note:


I promise I have a MUCH better imagine/oneshot story I will release on Sunday!

Enjoy the rest of your day/night and STAY SAFE I love y'all thank you so much for the support! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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