Meet the South Side of Seoul: Chan's Narrative

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"Yunho, do you think we will get hated on and laughed at?" Jongho asked nervously, they both heard a loud snarl.

"Ugh grow up, we are on in ten minutes" Seonghwa walked away and left the two boys dumbfounded and he walked over to Wooyoung.

"your being hard on them again, this is our second show" Wooyoung told him calmingly, but Seonghwa just didn't care.

"Woo we are freaks, everyone is made to hate us at laugh at us" he said in distress. Then they heard the ring leader call from in front

"FIRST WE HAVE OUR EVERY YEARS FAVOURITE ACT! OUR PSYCHO CLOWNS" One by one, they all walked out and heard everyone laughing at them as they do every year.

Except this time one person stood up and yelled "OMG LEAVE THEM ALONE, THEY AREN'T HERE TO BE LAUGHED AT" Seonghwa looked at the cosmic blue-haired boy and they locked eyes.

The ring leader asked "what's your name boy?" Hongjoong smirked like a psychopath.

"I'm surprised you have forgotten me uncle, it's me Hongjoong" he gave the ring leader a devilish look.

Seonghwa ran back stage and the boys followed him, "hey Toothless, you ok?" Asked Wooyoung who had his hand on his shoulder.

"that was Kim Hongjoong" he replied they all looked at Seonghwa in confusion "My ex girlfriend's brother, the bitch that sent me to this shit show in the first place"

Yunho, Jongho and Wooyoung looked at him, then when he went to his tent, the three boys snook out of the big top and found Hongjoong. "Pssst, Joong" before they could say anything the ring master called them and they ran back to their tents "we'll talk to Hongjoong tomorrow"

Three days past and Seonghwa was annoyed with the ring leader. Every night he would come to Seonghwa's tent and deliberately hit him.

Sometimes he wondered if there was anyone out there to save them but he was definitely wrong or so he thought to himself.

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