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Karasuno had made it. They had passed all the obstacles that faced them before and were finally number 1 in Japan. That title alone sent shivers down all of their spines, but they were hungry for more, and now was their one and only chance to prove it; because they had made it to the finals of The Youth International Volleyball Competition.

Only one team was picked from every country to represent them, the very best of course. And Karasuno, a simple high school volleyball club, was chosen out of all of the other teams to represent the nation of Japan. It was incredible.

However they had a very tough opponent - Wytrwałość Volleyball Team, also known as the Polish Lions. Their players were supersonic, and world renowned for their ferocity and strength. Within the team was Leopold Oleska, the fastest spiker in Europe, Kondrad Prus Jr, whose father was the famous "Praying Mantis" and Eliasz Stec, by far the tallest player in the whole competition, standing at just over 6'11.

"And that's just to name a few!!" Nishinoya exclaimed with a huge grin across his face, flicking the pages of his chunky volleyball magazine. Daichi slapped him hard on the back of the head and let out a slight chuckle.

"Would you shut up smartass? You're going to make Hinata wet himself!" The whole bus erupted into laughter, including Hinata himself, who was sat on a window seat, gazing towards the sea in front of them. They had just gotten off the long flight from Tokyo to Honolulu, to play at the famous Stan Sheriff Centre.

"Okay guys shut up, you'll distract the driver!" Ittetsu squealed, clutching his clipboard for dear life.
"Oh relax specks, we're in Hawaii baby!" Ukai shouted, whooping wildly with his arms in the air, causing the rest of the bus to erupt into cheers too. They were so excited, even Tsukishima was chuckling with glee as he and Tadashi chatted about their upcoming opponent.

In his best English, Ittetsu leaned towards the driver and said "I'm ever so sorry for them, they're just excited." The driver gestured back to him, and reassured him that he didn't mind and that they'd be at their hotel within 10 minutes anyway.

Yachi and Shimizu were also with the boys. Shimizu was rubbing suncream on her shoulders and arms, and proceeded to pour a little into Yachi's small hands so she could put some on her face. Nishinoya and Tanaka were drooling like rabid dogs as they stared at Kiyoko's bare shoulders and exposed collarbone, until she whipped her head around and gave them cold, unfeeling stare.

Hinata turned to Kageyama, who was sitting next to him but also seemed to be leaning away from him as much as humanly possible without switching seats.

"Tobi, have you got any painkillers?" He beamed at him, his cheeks flushed with anticipation and eagerness.

"Firstly, I've told you, stop calling me Tobi," he mumbled, grabbing Hinata's head and shaking it a little.
"Secondly, I think I actually do. Do you feel alright?" He said, unzipping a compartment in his backpack and rustling around.

"Yeah I'm fine! I just have a little headache that's all! I'm just so...so excited!!" He bounced up and down in his seat like a baby who had just received a new toy, and opened his palm to retrieve the pill that Kageyama was passing to him.

"Or it was the fact you were blasting that stupid music down both of our ears on the plane!" Kageyama taunted, covering both of his ears and screwing up his face. Hinata punched his arm and they both chuckled awkwardly.

"Right fellas we are here! Now I want you all to get off the bus, get your suitcases from the bottom and WAIT IN THE LOBBY. Got that? In the LOBBY. WAIT." Ittetsu said loudly, emphasising each word carefully. His anxiety was sky high - sure, he had had to look after the group on many occasions, but on not one of those occasions were they even outside Japan, let alone half way across the world.

"Don't worry Sensei, I'll make sure they don't dart off anywhere." Daichi said calmly, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling warmly. The bus was rocking back and forth as the boys rushed from each end of it to the other, wanting to get a view of the hotel, but also the beach in front, but also the girls walking out in just their bikinis, but also the exotic plants and seabirds, but also...

Daichi's face grew dark and he spun on his heels.

All of the boys stopped in their tracks and hung their heads slightly, Tsukishima just giggling with Yamaguchi at the boys' stupidity.

As Ittetsu said, they all got off the bus and waited in the lobby as he and the rest of the coaches thanked the driver and retrieved the rest of the baggage. They came strolling in, Yachi struggling to carry all of her bags and practically falling over her own feet. They all stopped in front of the boys and took a deep breath in.

"So boys, we've made it! We only have tonight here until the final game so make the most of it, because tomorrow morning we are headed straight to the stadium! I'll let Takeda explain the rest to you." Ukai said triumphantly, heading towards reception to get a luggage porter to help with their mountain of suitcases.

"So, you will all be sharing rooms in a pair. Me and Ukai will share a room, and then Yachi and Shimizu will also share a room." At this, Nishinoya and Tanaka fell to the floor dramatically, to which Daichi walked over to the ridiculous pair and grabbed them by their collars.

"Thank you Daichi! So the rest of the rooms will go as follows," he said confidently, flicking a page over on his clipboard and coughing before he spoke up again.

"Daichi and Asahi. Tanaka and Nishinoya. Sugawara and Ennoshita. Kinoshita and Narita. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi. And finally, Hinata and Kageyama!"
Each pair looked eachother and grinned slightly,  Daichi and Asahi giving one another a high five in celebration. Hinata and Kageyama simply glared at eachother although deep down they were quite happy they were together.

Ukai jogged back over and whispered something in Ittetsu's ear.
"Oh uhm, alright let's see..." he said, turning the page back over and scanning over, it humming to himself. "Right, so apparently we're one room down, so Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Hinata and Kageyama, you will all be sharing a room together."

The four of them exchanged a disgusted look, and they all started to protest, waving their hands about and each explaining why this was the most awful idea in the world at such a volume, even Tanaka had to cover his ears.
"GUYS!" Daichi shouted, which shut them all up.

One by one, each pair (and the foursome) walked up to Ittetsu and grabbed a key, and he explained that they could of course visit each others room, but after 10pm they were to be in their own rooms. He also reminded them that dinner here was at 6pm. The boys bowed and all separated, heading towards their rooms.

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