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The game was truly back in action. In the 10 minutes that Hinata had gotten back onto the court, Karasuno managed to make the score a healthy 22-20. Say what they wanted about Hinata and Kageyama, not one of them could deny the power that duo held, and the amount of mental strength they lent to the team.

Poland's Leopold Oleska suddenly scored a service ace for the first time in the game so far.
"O tak!!" The whole team roared, sending the crowd into a frenzy.

Kageyama and Hinata looked at eachother and grinned maliciously, both thinking the exact same thing.

It was time to pull out their newest attack strategy.

The rest of the team leapt onto their train of thought, and telepathically agreed to tighten up the defence, whilst they focussed on their glorious offence.

Oleska shot another killer serve over the net, straight to Karasuno's libero, who comfortably received it, sending it up high. Tsukishima got under the ball and set it up for Kageyama to spike.

But as he went to spike, he quickly switched positions in midair and changed it into a set. Of course, this move had been played on many occasions, and so the opposing team were prepared for this.

What they weren't prepared for was the ball disappearing. They looked around frantically for the ball, up in the air, on the floor, behind them. But it was nowhere to be seen. Then behind them all, right on the line, a colossal bang reverberated around the stadium.
Where had the ball come from?

No one could receive it, and therefore it was Karasuno's point. Nishinoya tussled Hinata's hair and Tanaka jumped onto Kageyama's back in excitement.

Their invisible attack came about by accident whilst they were practicing. Kageyama had figured out a method of setting the volleyball quicker than he had ever set it before, whilst somehow making the noise of the ball hitting his fingertips cease completely. In other words, he silenced the ball. This, paired with Hinata's newfound ability to control where the ball went with their super-quick, created the perfect invisible attack.

The only down-side was that they couldn't use it too many times, as this method of setting caused Kageyama's fingertips to bend all the way back - if he did it too many times, he would likely break his fingers.

The Polish were in a state of shock, many of them simply standing there with there mouths wide open, one of them even taking a few steps back from the net shakily.


It was Hinata's turn to serve. He had actually gotten a lot better at serving, managing to pull off jump serves, and stood there with a sense of pride within him. And as this was match point, at the International Finals, it made him even more motivated to pull off an amazing serve.

But suddenly, an overwhelming sensation swept over him. He froze in his position as the whistle blew, not really knowing what to do with himself. He almost felt detached from his own body in a way. Fuzziness invaded his brain, like static slowly taking over a TV screen and the world around him started to move in slow motion.

He could see that his arm was moving to hit the ball, and felt the breeze move across him as he moved through the air, but he couldn't seem to control his movements. His heart gradually increased in speed as he realised what he was feeling wasn't normal in the slightest, and began to panic. He felt his jaw clench tightly and his chest tightened.

Kageyama noticed it was taking an unusual amount of time for Hinata to make his serve (even for him), and twisted his head around, his eyes half open out of exhaustion. But they soon widened when he saw Hinata.

The rest of the team turned around just as Hinata made the hit and saw the same sight as Kageyama. Blood was slowly trickling out of the left side of his mouth.

As gravity pulled Hinata back to the ground, they all watched as Hinata's eyes rolled to the back of his head, and he flopped down to the floor like a doll that had been cast aside by a frustrated infant. His whole body then began to seize up, his hands curling up into balls and his head jerking in every direction. Little spit bubbles began to form in the corners of his mouth and blood continued to come out of his mouth.

A collective gasp echoed from the crowd, and Kageyama and Daichi quickly ran over the Hinata, placing their hands under his head and screaming for their coach or a medic to come. Most of Karasuno had sunk to their knees in complete shock, forgetting all about the game. In fact, even Poland's team had dropped the ball and had ran over to Japan's side of the court in an attempt to console them.

"We need an ambulance! Takeda now, call them n-"

But turning his head to Takeda, he could see that the small man was frozen in his seat. Tears started to pool in his eyes and his bottom lip started quavering at the sight of Hinata flailing on the floor.
Not having time to comfort the supervisor at the moment, he instead gave that task to Shimizu and ran to where Hinata lay to put him into a recovery position.

"Shoyo? Shoyo can you hear me? It's okay, it's okay..." Kageyama cooed, honestly not knowing what else to do. His breathing got more and more erratic and his hands started to shake underneath Hinata's head.

How could he have let this happen? He knew full well that there was something going on with him but just had no idea it was this serious.

By this point, Hinata had lost control of his bladder again, and was laying in a puddle of his own urine. Tanaka burst out crying, realising that what they were making fun of earlier was connected to this seizure. Suga patted him on the back tenderly, and Eryk rubbed his arm, not baring to look himself.

While the Polish team were trying their best to console Karasuno, most of them couldn't look at the poor boy on the floor, and some were even crying. Ennoshita was comforting the son of The Praying Mantis as best he could, his heart bursting both at the thought of Hinata, and the fact that their opposing team cared so much.

Perhaps the most shocking reaction came from Tsukishima. He was on his knees, simply staring at their decoy. Pushing his glasses up onto his head, he wiped at the tears that were desperately trying to escape his eyes. He couldn't believe what was happening. Tadashi clung to his neck, trying to comfort him, but also seeking comfort himself.

Slowly, Hinata's seizing slowed down, and the faint sound of sirens became louder and louder.

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