An Eternity

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Light slowly invaded his eyes as Hinata opened them up. He winced slightly at the huge light that hung above his head, it's brightness causing his head to bang.

He sat up sharply, but quickly placed a hand to his head and shut his eyes tightly again as the throbbing sensation increased significantly.

"Shoyo?! Oh thank God!" He heard, and suddenly felt strong arms wrapping around him tightly. Breathing in through his nose, he soon recognised that oh-so-familiar scent - a specific men's cologne that smelled like a pine forest.

It could only be Kageyama.

"K-Kageyama? Where am I?" He managed to stutter out, moving his head around in different directions to try and ground himself.

"You're in hospital Shoyo. Y-you had a seizure on the court." As he said this, he pulled away from Hinata and looked down at the floor, not wanting to remember that moment.

Swallowing, Hinata blinked a couple of times in confusion and lay back on his bed.
"I see. So...did we win?"

Kageyama let out a small laugh. Of course that was all he was concerned about, not the fact he had a full on seizure.

"The game was called off. We were obviously pretty rattled, but the Polish team took it hard too, so the officials said that we could postpone the match and do it some other time."

But Hinata bunched up his fists and gritted his teeth in frustration. Letting out a deep sigh, he threw the covers off himself and attempted to stand up.

"Hinata! What are you doing?" Kageyama said worriedly.

"We need to finish the game. I need to finish the game! It's the finals, we ha-" and as he was about to start to walk out of the small room, his legs gave out from underneath him and he dropped to the floor.


Kageyama grabbed him from off the floor, placed him back onto the bed and covered him back up. Tears were starting to form in the ginger haired boy's eyes, and Kageyama's heart broke as he saw them fall down his cheeks softly.

" they know what's wrong with me then..?" Hinata said, sniffling a couple of times and wiping his eyes.

He shook his head, explaining that whilst he was asleep, some doctors came and did lots of tests on him, including bloods and an MRI scan (just to name a few), and they said that they would come back when the results were in.

Hinata tightened his lips and twiddled his thumbs awkwardly. A sense of anxiety slowly crept into his chest, squeezing every breath out of him lungs like two hands wringing out a towel. He knew in himself that the outcome wouldn't be good.

"Where are the rest of the team?"

"Oh right! They're in the waiting area. I can go get them if you want to!"

His face went blank for a second, and then he smiled slightly and nodded his head a couple of times.
"Before you get them...come here a second."

Kageyama hesitantly walked over to the small boy and waited for what he wanted. Before he could react, Hinata pulled him by his waist and hugged him tightly. Kageyama could tell from the way his back was jerking up and down that he was crying. He put a hand on the back of his head and ran his fingers through the bright orange mop atop his head.

"Kageyama, what if somethings really wrong? What if I die?" Hinata honestly didn't mean anything behind those words, it was just the panic that was talking.

But this made Kageyama's heart sink to a new depth. Looking up and blinking back some tears that had began to form in his own eyes, he peeled Hinata away from him and looked him dead in the eyes.

"The only way you're going to die is if I kill you right here for even thinking that." He said, letting out a slight chuckle and punching him lightly on the shoulder.


When he got to the waiting room he realised that a lot of them weren't there. He soon discovered from Ukai that Shimizu had to take Ittetsu, Tanaka, Tsukishima and Suga back to the hotel because they were all freaking out too much.

To his surprise, he also noticed that Eryk Korda was also sitting with the team, his knee bobbing up and down with anxiety, but his face bright and positive as he greeted Kageyama.

Glancing around, he could tell that everyone on the team had been crying due to the puffiness and redness of their eyes and the flush in their cheeks, even Ukai.

"Well he's asked to see you all now, but he's literally only just woken up so go easy on him." Kageyama warned, thinking back to how he had just punched him, and instantly regretting it, despite it only being a tap.

At once, they all stood up, Yachi rubbing Yamaguchi's back as they walked through the corridor, worried with what they were about to be met with. But as they got closer to his room, Kageyama saw a serious looking doctor step out of it, holding a clipboard that was choc full of papers. He stopped dead in his tracks, a bead of sweat dripping down his temple.

"It's okay." He heard, and looked up towards Ukai who was staring down at him with a terrified smile on his face.
"Whatever is wrong with him, we will handle it together."

Gasping slightly, his eyebrows furrowed and he turned the knob of Hinata's room and pushed the door.

But it was locked.

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