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2 Weeks Later

Kageyama knew he wasn't well. He knew full well what was coming, and that there was nothing he could do to stop it. Everytime he set a ball up for one of his team members, he felt a pang of guilt in the pit of his stomach, because he knew the likelihood of him setting another ball to Hinata was slim.

Nevertheless, Kageyama had sworn to himself that he would look after him until the end. And he had also decided not to think about the inevitable just yet. He'd only just been diagnosed, so he had a while yet surely.


"Don't you think sunsets are beautiful?"

Kageyama glanced over to Hinata as the words escaped his mouth. He was sat up straight, simply looking out of the window at the brilliant flame of colours that decorated the sky. The pink and orange sunbeams reached through the window and touched Hinata's face gently, changing its colour and illuminating the dust particles that flew about in the air. They looked like tiny fireflies fluttering around his head.

"I suppose." Kageyama sighed, chewing the inside of his lip anxiously. While he enjoyed visiting Hinata in hospital, it always put him on edge - him and hospitals didn't mix for some reason.

"Well I think they're amazing, personally. Just look at it!" Hinata shouted gleefully, thrusting his arms in front of him in awe. Kageyama watched as Hinata giggled, his eyes sparkling with wonder and joy.

How could he be so happy?

Glancing back over at Hinata, he noticed something wasn't quite right. The smile had all but disappeared from his face, and he sat there with his hands clutching at his knees, his nails literally clawing his skin. A vein popped out of the side of his head, and Kageyama saw that his face was slowly turning a shade of red.
That's when he realised.

Hinata wasn't breathing in.

He raced towards the bed and whacked his back a couple of times, honestly unsure what was happening. Was he choking?

"Hinata! Hinata, breathe, please breathe! What's wrong? Hinata!!"

Just then he inhaled deeply, a rattle escaping his throat. He panted hard, hanging his head forwards and closing his eyes as he had become slightly lightheaded.

"Thank you Tobi." He managed to gasp out.

"W-what was that?! Why didn't you breathe, dumbass?!"

"It's fine, it's f-fine. The doctor said that this might happen as time...progresses."

Hinata leant back and placed a hand on his head, moving stray strands of orange hair off of his forehead.

'He's not happy.'

It clicked with Kageyama that Hinata couldn't be happy. No matter what brave front Hinata put on, the bags under his eyes and his ever-thinning face told a different story. At a rapid pace, Kageyama could see him slipping through the cracks.

He still couldn't comprehend what was happening. How was this happening? And why to him? A couple of months ago, he was fine, being as annoying as ever. And now he was sat in a hospital bed, connected to a drip and with a death sentence hanging over him.

"Oi, Kageyama. You have that weird look on your face again." Hinata said cheerfully, copying Kageyama's face perfectly.

Hinata knew what Kageyama was feeling. But there was nothing he could do to make this go away, if he could he would. And so, if this was to be his destiny, he would make sure that everyone's last memories of him wasn't some shrivelled, sick boy, but the same Hinata they had always known.

"Go and get me a milkshake and one of those big bars of chocolate from the canteen."

"Eh?! Those are so expensive Hinata, it's like ¥1,500!"

"I know. But I want it. So go get it."

Kageyama rolled his eyes and laughed out of his nose.
"Alright fine. But you better give me the money back, idiot."

"Yeah, yeah of course Tobi" he replied, pretending to yawn and flapping a hand at him.

"Hey, don't call me that!" Kageyama huffed, wagging a finger back as he exited the room.

When the door behind Kageyama closed, Hinata's shoulders dropped and he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He was so embarrassed that that had happened in front of Kageyama.
It had happened before, but honestly that was the worst time so far. Taking deep breaths, Hinata filled his lungs with air that he was still somehow lacking.

His whole body ached. Chills ran up and down his body. A sharp pain stabbed his head. Tiredness swept over him constantly.

He wouldn't wish this on anybody.

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