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Harry discovered the Marauders Map. A made in the fifth year by four boys, when the idea came from a girl.

A girl who was sorted into Slytherin.

Four boys were sorted into Gryffindor.

How the group of five got along so nicely is a mystery, maybe it has something to do with the fact that not all Slytherins are evil, maybe it has to do with the fact that her brother was one of the four boys, maybe it could be both.

It is both.

Of course, people will get misjudged and people of their own house would start hating them and calling them a blood traitors.

The girl was noticed by her future lover at the end of the third year.

That boy was simply infatuated with her.

And if you ask anyone about them they will always reply with...

"James Potter was simply infatuated with Isabella Black, it's no secret he loved her and she loved him."

Of course, every fairytale must come to an end, and their story tragically ended on Halloween night, 1981.

Remus remembered hearing the news...

So did Sirius Black, Isabella's older brother...

So did Mary MacDonald who was safely hiding from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...

Everyone remembers seeing Sirius Black in the Daily Prophet in prison clothes and shackles on his wrists. Everyone remembers the headline...

'Sirius Black rats out sister and best friend to You-Know-Who'

Tears were shed as people from Hogwarts remembered the gang, remembered everything.

Minerva remembers getting the Daily Prophet, as usual, only to see something that would devastate her.

They were only 21 years old and had such a life to fulfill.

Anne and Harry would never know that they were siblings. It was supposed to be that way in case Voldermort decided to come back. It was for everyone's safety to hide both of them. Harry would go to the Dursleys and Anne would go to Sofia Dawson's house.

Lily Evans remembers seeing the Daily Prophet, but she could not keep Harry, for she would be killed the very next day by Death Eaters.

Remus was in hiding, no one knew where.

Sirius was in Azkaban.

Mary was in hiding, no one knew where.

Isabella, James, Lily, and Marlene we dead.

Voldermort couldn't kill two babies that night, for both of them got famous that night, one more famous because of the scar he held on the right of his forehead.


"Sir?" Harry asked Remus. "Uh, I have this map.. and uh, I was looking at it last night and it showed a name.."

"What name Harry?" Hoping that maybe one of his friends was alive, but knowing that wasn't true.

"Uh, Peter Pettigrew, sir," Harry said.

Remus' eyes widened at the name. Could it be, maybe one of his friends was still alive.

"That's impossible. Sirius Black killed him." Remus denied.

"Oh, ok, sir," Harry said awkwardly.

"But, I will take the map, just so you won't get into trouble with having it," Remus said, secretly wanting it just to look at it for tonight to see if it were true.

Harry handed over the map, blank obviously. I mean, who would leave around a map that has writing on it?

That night, a painting got slashed, Sirius Black was rumored to be in the school, and Remus looked over the Marauders Map that he and his friends made in their fifth year.

"No, it can't be," Remus murmured as he looked at the map again, again, and again.

There lay around the map was the moving name of Peter Pettigrew.

What if Sirius Black was innocent.

What if Peter Pettigrew faked his death and framed his other best friend.

Could it be?

Could it be?

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