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"Wait... so does that mean that... Harry is my brother!?" Anne exclaimed.

"Yes, now if you would quiet down, please, Anne," Remus said.

"Right, sorry!" Anne said. "I just can't believe this! I mean, my mom and Harry's dad?!"

"Yes, I know. I wanted to hurl when I found out they were dating!" Sirius said, faking a gagging noise.

"Oh hush up, Sirius! You fainted when they said that they were expecting!" Remus said, chuckling.

"I did no such thing! I simply..uh, sent my eyes back into my head and decided to take a... nap." Sirius said.

"Sure ya did, Pads, sure," Remus said, rolling his eyes.

"Um, has Harry figured anything out?" Anne asked.

"I don't believe so," Remus said timidly.

"Can I tell him!?" Said Anne excitedly.

"Uh, sure. Go drop a bomb on him!" Sirius said.

Anne traveled up the old and dusty staircase of Grimmauld place until she reached Harry's room. The door was cracked so she peeked her head in to see that Harry was lying flat on his back looking up at the ceiling.

"Harry?" Anne asked.

Harry looked over. "Yes, Anne?" 

"I-I need to tell you something," Anne said, suddenly nervous.

"Come here. What is it?" Harry said patting a spot next to his bed.

Anne took a seat. "I-I... your dad dated my mom." 

Harry looked shocked. "My...your..what!?" 

"We're siblings, Harry. Twins to be exact."

Harry couldn't believe his ears. He thought that for years, his entire family had been dead. His parents were, that's a fact. 

"Here," Anne pulled a picture from her pocket. The picture of Isabella Black kissing James Potter on their graduation night. "Is that enough proof?"

"Uh, yeah. But-but... I HAVE A SISTER!! WOOHOO!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry! Shush up! People are sleeping!"

"Oh right, yeah. I have a sister. Woohoo." He whispered.


That night Remus Lupin couldn't help but smile as he was heading to bed. His two best friends were back, well what felt like it.


That night Sirius Black couldn't help but smile as he was heading to bed. His sister and his best friend were back, well what felt like it.

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