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Stuff happens for a reason, right? 

Well, then why hasn't stuffed happened? 

Sure after Voldy came back it would be more hectic, but it isn't.

That is what you want me to say right?

No, the Order of the Phoenix is back and is gearing up for what is to come.

Anne is getting dropped off by Sofia, one of her mother's best friends, and is excited that she gets to spend the summer with her friends.

She still doesn't know that Sirius is her uncle or that Harry is her brother. She only knows that Sirius is Harry's godfather. Nothing too special.


Knock, knock

Sofia had already driven off in her convertible and Anne was already knocking on the door of 12 Grimmauld Place. For what is to come, no one nose (something Voldermort doesn't have.)

"Anne! How wonderful to see you!" Tonks said as she opened the door to reveal Anne.

"It is wonderful!" Anne said.

Anne knew Tonks from her fourth year at Hogwarts. Charlie invited her to see the World Cup with him and the Weasleys and Hermione brought Anne. Charlie and Tonks are friends since they were in the same years at Hogwarts together (1981-1988.)

"Come in! Harry is already here! Hermione said you'll be here, but we didn't know when so we don't have a bed ready for you yet, just FYI." Tonks said.

Understanding that she didn't specify a time, Anne nodded.

"Where can I put my stuff?" Anne asked Tonks. 

"You can put it in my room! I share with Ginny and Hermione." Tonks said.

Anne nodded and followed upstairs with Tonks.

Anne placed her trunk next to the door and looked around. It was dusty but it's an old house and it is massive, so dust can easily appear, plus it's made of dead skin cells and there are three people probably about to be four people sleeping in the room for a whole summer, so there is bound to be dust. The beds were tiny, but it is a tiny room. There were four beds so she knew she was staying in the room. 

Anne had already met the Weasley's last year for the World Cup for Quidditch. Anne isn't on the team, she prefers to watch, as she is scared that she may fall, but who could blame her when she's like a million feet in the sky. 


It was now dinner time, as Anne already said her greetings to people she knew and others not. She sat next to Sirius and Remus across from Harry. Next to Harry was Tonks and next to Tonks was Ginny. Tonks was making her nose turn into a duck nose, making Anne and Ginny laughed.

"Hey? Who wants to get my wand from my room?" Sirius asked. Tonks, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Percy, and Harry put their finger on their noses as to say 'not it.' 

"Oh come on! Why is it always me?" Anne asked as she got out of her seat and trudged up the stairs to Sirius' room.

Tonks and Ginny giggled, while Remus and Sirius just thought about Isabella and how she would do that if she had to do things for the boys.

As Anne made her way into the room, she was looking for something Sirius had asked for.

'What was it again?' Anne thought. 'Oh, right it is the, uh, his wand!'

As Anne was looking through the messy room she came upon some photographs, she now knows what her mother looks like because Remus gave her a photo of her last year. 

It was a photograph of her mother and a man that looks like Harry. She turned over the photo and it said...

'Isabella and James Potter, 1977,'

With the caption...

'going to Hogwarts for the sixth year!'

It was neat handwriting, so Anne assumed her mother wrote it, as when Sofia showed her letters her mother wrote to Sofia during her years at Hogwarts it was neat and pretty, much like this.

But why does Sirius have a picture of her mother?

She looked through more and came across one that looks like was taken in secret...

It was HER MOM kissing JAMES POTTER!!

She flipped the back over and it read...

'Bella and Jamesy-Poo, 1978, Graduation'

Why would her mom be kissing James Potter?



'I have to talk to Sirius and Remus about this, they surely know some answers, right?'

Anne quickly looked around some more and put the photos back and found Sirius' wand. She hurried downstairs and handed Sirius his wand and ate dinner. 

Then when everyone was out of the room beside Remus and Sirius, I went over to them.

"Hey Sirius, Remus?" Anne said.

"Yes, Anne?" Remus asked.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you guys.." Anne said.

"Yeah, sure," Sirius said as he guided us towards a couch in the lounge.

"Uhm, Sirius, when I was looking for your wand in your room earlier, I um, I found some photos of my mum," Anne said

"D-did you?" Sirius stuttered, Sirius NEVER stuttered, well, he stuttered when he was nervous.

"Why did you have pictures of my mum?" Asked Anne.

"Well uh you see-- Anne, uh..." Sirius trailed off, looking at Remus to help.

Remus shrugged but motioned for Sirius to carry on.

"Y-your mother is my, uh, sister," Sirius said.

"Wait what?!" Anne exclaimed. "So you're my uncle!?"

"Uh... yes..?"

"But, I saw her kissing in some photos... it was Harry's dad!" Anne said.

"Uh, yes. Um, they, um, got married and had two kids..?" Sirius said, his sister was a tough topic for him and he was confused because he is, well, Sirius.

"Wait... so does that mean that...."

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