iii. baking misadventures (niki & wilbur)

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"—and we need 185 grams of flour."

"Uhm," Niki mumbled nervously, fidgeting with her hands. "Wil?"

Wilbur glanced away from the recipe he was reading, turning his attention to Niki.

"What's up, kiddo?"

"I lost the measuring cup again," Niki said, slumping her shoulders. "'M sorry."

Wilbur smiled softly, ruffling Niki's hair.

"That's alright, we'll just find it again." Wilbur thought for a moment, tapping his chin. "Where do you remember putting it last?"

"Uhm..." Niki glanced around the kitchen, pausing when she saw the kitchen table. "I put it over there when we measured the sugar! 'S not there anymore, though."

Niki pouted, and Wilbur ruffled her hair once again.

"Maybe it's under the table? Or—" Wilbur was cut off by Niki gasping.

"Oh! I know where it is!" she exclaimed, sprinting over to the living room. She returned a moment later with the measuring cup, grinning excitedly. Wilbur arched an eyebrow at her, looking both incredibly confused and incredibly amused.

"How on earth did it end up there?" he asked, and Niki frowned.

"Uhm... Dunno. It just did," she said, shrugging exaggeratedly. Wilbur laughed.

"Are you sure you don't know? I get the feeling you secretly do know."

"No, I dunno!" Niki insisted, pouting. Wilbur hummed in thought, perking up when an idea came to him.

"Would you still not know," Wilbur put his hands up jokingly menacingly, "if the tickle monster was asking?"

"No!" Niki exclaimed, but she was grinning nonetheless. "No tickle monster!"

"Hmm... I don't know, kid. It seems like the tickle monster might need to interrogate you about that missing measuring cup. My tactics aren't working." Wilbur shook his head dramatically. Niki giggled.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you!" She set the cup down on the counter near the flour. "Uhm— I used it to scoop up some of the brownie batter earlier so I could hide and eat it. 'Cuz you wouldn' le'mme!"

Wilbur went quiet for a moment, then started laughing.

"I told you not to eat the batter because it would make you sick!"

"But it tastes good!" Niki argued, letting out a frustrated huff and crossing her arms over her chest.

"I guess if you didn't eat too much of it, it's okay."

"Only had a li'l bit! I promise!"

"Alright. Ask me next time, though, okay? We don't wanna lose anymore measuring cups," Wilbur teased, ruffling Niki's hair.

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