The last chapter

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Ulrich paid Yuki's operation and was waiting at the hospital for her. She left the room and walked to him.

„And how are you feeling?" Asked Ulrich.   

„I have never been better" Replied Yuki.

„Good," Said Ulrich and Yuki kissed him.

„Hey, I couldn't watch the show with you, what happened. I heard that the moderator died"

„You know the show moderator was Norbert"

„Norbert?" Asked Yuki surprised.

„Yeah, he wanted to kill William, but he could get out of the car before it exploded"

„So and where did you get the money?" Asked Yuki.

„William found it and gave it to me to pay the operation. It was exactly 10000€ and the rest, that I borrowed from my friends I paid them back"

„That's good"

„Yeah," Said Ulrich and he accompanied her to the exit of the hospital and left.

„Hey, we should go one day to the beach" Sad Yuki.

A few years later William was with his family, Ulrich's family, Odd and Jeremie's family at a beach in Saint Tropez.

Ulrich was playing with Odd, their kids and Hiro Soccer. Yuki was sitting with Samantha, Aelita, Jeremie, William and Yumi and watching them play. Willamina and Lily were playing in the water and the younger kids were building a sandcastle.

„William looks," Said Yumi and William looked at Yumi watching her belly. She was pregnant and her belly was round. „It's kicking" Replied Yumi and William touched it and felt the kicks.

„Aww" Replied William. „She wants to go swim too" Replied William and Yumi lied her head on his shoulder.

„Man what a wonderful day," Said William.

„Yes, you're right," Said Yuki.

„Ugh" Yawned William and lied down.

„Tired huh?" Asked Yumi and lied down too.

„Just because of the trip," Said William.

„Well, we have four nights here at the hotel you can sleep there enough" Giggled Yumi. A ball flew to William's direction.

„Four!" Exclaimed Odd and William catches the ball.

„It's Lookout or for golf it's fore," Said William.

„Okay, hey come play with us" Said Odd.

„Why?" Asked William.

„I don't know, for me, it looks like you're a ladies man" Replied Odd and the girls laughed."

„Yeah me AND Jeremie"

„Oh sorry Jeremie, come play with us too"

„No," Said Jeremie.

„Come so the Teams are equal" Said Odd.

„Alright, I go" Replied William. „Come Jeremie," Said William and he and Jeremie walked to Odd and build a team and started to play.

„I'm thinking of putting Hiro into the Soccer club at the Kadic. What do you think?" Asked Yumi.

„I think it's a good idea, I will also think about putting Lukas and Felix there."

„Jim would be happy in having them"

„Who's Jim?" Asked Yuki.

„The coach"

„I think he was Ulrich's Pencak Silat coach"

„Yes, mines too" Replied Yumi and kept watching the other playing Soccer and had to giggle as Odd tripped over the ball.

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