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      I slowly crawled out of bed, almost stumbling to the floor, but quickly regaining my balance by grabbing the bed frame. Karl or I were up first. We always had an awful time sleeping but the other boys made it a little easier. Chris also had nightmares once in a while so there was always a chance he would be up but usually one of us would stay up with him.

      It was my day for breakfast anyways. Karl and I switched between cooking breakfast, and the other boys always did the dishes for it. Then we all switched between lunch and dinner and I we went out we took turns on the bill.

      I decided it was a chocolate chip pancake and bacon kind of day so I started with two pans, three packs of bacon and half a box of the largest pancake mix we could find at Costco.

      Just as I was about halfway done with the bacon my third batch of pancakes (I fit about three in at once) Karl joined me in the kitchen.

      He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and whispered, "Good morning baby."

     "Good morning," I smiled back flipping a pancake and turning to him. I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a light peck on the cheek, a light blush quickly covering his face.

      "It smells so good. You need me to do anything?" He asked looking around, most likely to see if I had gotten anything out, like plates or silverware.

      "Wanna set the table while I wrap the rest of the cooking up? Then we can go wake up our boys together." He hummed in agreement and opened the cabinet pulling 5 plates out.

     Karl set the table while I finished cooking and set everything out. We put out the stack of pancakes in the middle of the table along with syrup, butter, nutella, peanut butter, and of course the bacon.

      When we walked in the room though Jimmy was sitting on the Gaming chair tapping his foot lightly with Chandler draped over him slightly snoring. Chris was smack in the middle of the bed, fully stretched out in Star fish mode.

      I quickly yanked my phone out of my pocket and snapped a few photos of Chandler and Jimmy, while Jimmy rolled his eyes at me. I added them to the folder I had saved called 'Dumbasses'.

     "Sadie made breakfast," Karl giggled and kissed the top of Jimmy's head from behind him. If there had to be a thing that he loved that  came close to actual physical was seeing us cuddling or being affectionate with one another.

     Jimmy blushed and ran his fingers though Chandler's hair whispering that breakfast was ready. I started tickling Chris' feet, his one weak spot besides the ears. "Breakfast's ready Mr. Cowboy." I chuckled as he rolled over and pulled me onto him, flipped us over and started tickling my stomach.

     "Okay- okay-" I wheezed out and he stopped, planting a kiss on my forehead. "Some thank you for making your favorite." I squinted at him as his eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning.

      "You made Chocolate chip pancakes?" He asked smiling from ear to ear.

      "Yes she did and I even put out the nutella," Karl added.

       Chris gave me a kiss before jumping off of me and showering Karl with kisses as he giggled.

       By this point Chandler had heard food mentioned one to many times and was grabbing Chris' hand as they sprinted down the stairs.

       "Karl can I talk to you for a sec?" Jimmy asked. He looked at me and I nodded leaving and shutting the door behind me.

       I joined Chan and Chris downstairs as they were loading up everyone's plate and spreading nutella on mine and Chris' pancakes.

      "Wheres Jimmy and Karl?" Chris asked noticing me watching them with a smile from the door frame.

     "Upstairs, prolly' making out," I joked joining them at the table, at my spot between where Karl would sit and Chandler.

Karl pov

     Sadie shut the door and I glanced down at Jimmy who pushed himself up and faced me.

     "I have a serious question," he told me and walked over to our shared shelf and pulled his drawer open.

      "Did I do something wrong?" I asked, the worry in voice obvious as my hands started to become clammy.

      "No Karl, I love you, you didn't do anything wrong. Your all perfect. But I have been thinking about this a lot and I came to the conclusion that I had to start with you." He chuckled shaking his head and pulling something out of the drawer and shoving it in his pocket before I could see it.

      "Kinda sounds like your plotting to kill us." I giggled nervously.

     He walked back over to me pulling his hand out of his pockets empty and shaking.

     He slowly reached out grabbed my hands, "You gotta be quiet ok?"

     "Okay?" I agreed skeptically.

      "Look, I know this isn't romantic at all but this is truly coming from the bottom of my heart," He paused removing a hand from mine and getting down on one knee.

     Holy fucking shit. Holy shit. Is he?

    "Karl, you and our boyfriends and girlfriend downstairs are the loves of my life and I never want to be apart. Will you marry me?"

     He looked up at me finally making eye contact. Tears had started silently pouring as soon as he bent down. I looked at the ring in the box. It was perfect. The little black box even said 'Karl' on it.

     I stared for a few more seconds before finally spitting out, "I think I'd like th-" I was cut off as he slid the ring on the appropriate finger and jumped up wrapping his arms around me and kissing me deeply.

Word count: 984


Thank you for reading! This is the ending you guys asked for without asking for (not the last chapter just yet I'll warn you when it is). I love your guy's comment so much, every single one of you are appreciated. ❤ make sure you drink some water and eat some food if you can and have a good day/night.



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