there they were

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      As I stumbled into the ER, all I could think about was how I was going to kick the guys' asses if they were gone any longer.

     After my gender reveal my stomach hadn't stopped growing. Sure I was showing a little at the party but now it was hard for me to even walk with hoe much pressure is on my back. Let alone walk when my water just broke a Walmart.

     They guys were out filming a video a couple hours away. Stereotypical huh? The guy leaves dangerously close to the due date and barley makes it back in time for the birth but no. I was 6 weeks early. Not even 8 and a half months pregnant yet.

      So they thought they would be fine. It was a one day trip to Raleigh and back. But no. The stinkers inside of me wanted out now and by the way they had been kicking lately so did I.

      "Ma'am what's your name?" A nurse asked, while rushing behind me with a wheel chair.

      "Mercedes Anne James," I replied as she began pushing me to the front desk.

      "Okay and birthday?" The lady behind the desk asked.
      "October 7th."

      "Okay, I assume your here for labour?" She asked and I nodded quickly.

     "Alright Tina why don't you take her to a delivery room."
     "Of course," The nurse behind me said.

     She began pushing me towards and elevator where she pulled me in.

     "If you don't mind me asking, wheres the father?" She asked looking down at me.

     Here we go again. Time to explain that there isn't just one dad. There's four.

     "They are out shooting a Youtube video," I mumbled.

     "Oh thats cool. Also they them? I'll make sure to let people know so they don't make your partner uncomfortable." She smiled as the elevator dinged.

    "No- they, theres more than one," I stuttered. I was never embarrassed. How could I be? I was the luckiest girl on the planet. Sometimes it was just hard to explain to strangers.

    "Oh like heteropaternal superfecundation?" She asked very non chalantly.

    "Were poly," I said.

    "Oh thats cool," she replied and pushed me into room 135.

    "Thank you," I smiled at her as she pushed the wheelchair next to the bed and helped me into it.

     "Your welcome, I'll have the doctor come in here in a few minutes."


     After leaving about 70 frantic voice mails and a least a hundred messages they still hadn't responded. So I did the next best thing and called Chandler's mom.

     I explained everything to her and she said she would run by our house and grab the go bag and whatever else I needed then come sit up here with me.

    The doctor had come in and told me I was already 6 centimeters dilated and that I was moving fast.

    Due to them being early and the position the babies were in, the doctor said I couldn't get and epidural.

    Not even 15 minutes later the boys burst through the door with Chandler's mom.

    "Fuck you boys! Fuck you and you and you and you and Hi Mrs.Hallow. You guys are dead once these babies are out! You scared me half to death!" I screamed at them.

    "Why hello Sadie, you remind me of when I was giving birth. I didn't speak to my husband for an hour after labour because he was so late." She giggled setting the bags down in the corner.

     "You seem peachy," Chris chuckled.

     "You seem like you have a death wish," I snapped back at him.

    Karl walked over to my right side leaving a kiss on my head and holding my hand.

    "How far along are you?" Jimmy beamed at me, clearly very excited.

     "I'm 6 centime-" I was stopped mid sentence by a horrible contraction, way stronger than the other ones.

     "Did they not give you any medicine?" Chris asked way more worry in his voice than a few seconds ago.

     "They cant, I'm to early and the babies arent in the proper position," I explained after the contraction finally slowed down.

     "Alrighty Mercedes, I'm going to have another peek at how far along you are okay?" Doctor Smith said sliding her gloves on and lifting up the sheet to check.

     "Alright your moving very fast. If should be over in no time. Your around 9 centimeters right now so im going to go get a few other nurses and by the time we do that you should be ready to push." She smiled up at me and a gave a weak thumbs up back.

    I was terrified to say the least.

   "Hey don't worry you gonna be alright," Chandler said standing next to Karl and squeezing our hands. Chris and Jimmy stood on the other side squeezing my other hand with Mrs. Hallow.

    The doctor left and came back a few minutes later with a few other nurses. "Ready to start pushing?"


    Both babies were out but there wasn't any crying. The doctors were swarmed around them cleaning them off when I heard one of them start to wail.

     I looked around at my boys, there eyes were all soft as they tried to peeks around the mountain of doctors.

    One of the nurses turned around with a little baby, wrapped in a soft pink blanket.

    "Do you guys have nam-" she tried to ask before she was cut off by the baby boy crying. Thank god.

     "Yeah, Ledger and Laney," I told her as she stepped towards me with Laney.

    "You want to hold her?"

    "Yes please." I replied quickly nodding my head violently.

     The nurse gently handed me Laney making sure she and I were comfy.

    The boys all crowed around me cooing and taking turns gently rubbing her cheek, or leaning down and giving her a soft peck on the forhead. A few minutes later a different nurse handed me Ledger and the team of doctors left the room.

    So there they were. Our babies, Ledger and Laney Jacobs Tyson Donaldson Hallow.

Word count:1014

I hope you enjoyed that chapter, thank you for reading. Have a great day/night, drink some water and eat something if you can. You are all loved appreciated <3 :)


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