|Chapter 2|

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As Maggie and I watched the plains pass by we started talking about what might happen when we got to Kent, "Maggie do you think we'll get separated, and never see each other until we come back to london?" I blurted "I don't know..." she said softly "hopefully we'll get to see each other during this... um.. vacation?" She questioned.

(A couple hours later)

I woke up to the train coming to a stop at the station in Kent, I looked over to Maggie and saw a worried expression on her face, "what's wrong Maggie, you seem worried" I asked in a concerned tone as she turned to look at me "I'm just worried about whats going to happen in London, I mean they wouldn't just evacuate us for no reason, would they?" She asked, that's what I forgot to mention oops.. well the adults never really told us why we were getting evacuated, I decided to ask a teacher "excuse me miss, why are we getting evacuated anyway?" I asked the teacher walking by our seat. She looked down to me and said "don't worry about it dear, it's none of your concern" in a soft tone.

A couple minutes later we got off the train and the adults that were supposed to take care of us came and chose, yeah chose which one or ones of us they wanted, not fair? They could care less. Luckily for Maggie and I a sweet old woman wanted the two of us.

Once we got to her house I was stunned, her home was beautiful, it was a medium sized cottage with vines growing up one side and two dog houses inside a fence connected to the other side, I knew I was going to love it here.

We went inside the house to be greeted by two dogs one small blonde Carine terrier named Rocket, and a large German shepherd named cookie. Both of them were sweet dogs and immediately greeted us with kisses. I took a liking to Rocket, he was small but had a huge heart, I soon learned that he was completely blind. "Come dears let me show you where you two will be staying." The old woman we had come to know as

Isabelle, a name I wouldn't have thought an old woman to have, but to be fair she was only in her late 60's early 70's I think.

_______________________________________ A/N

Sorry I haven't been updating I don't have much free time, I'll try to update more often but I don't have much motivation right now 😅

Remember to eat food and drink water, also get enough sleep cya in the next one

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