Chapter 4: Again?

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Emilia's POV:

*Beep Beep Beep*
Ughhh here we go.... Again. My alarm is literally the loudest thing in the world. It sometimes even scares the living hell out of me. Like damn that thing gives me a heart attack when I wake up. I have a literal adrenaline rush and I'm still half asleep.
I open my eyes to the sun shining through my curtains. I swing my legs over my bed and stand up.

"Holy crap" I mumbled half asleep. Everything went blurry and I felt like falling. I literally hate when this happens. I start walking towards my bathroom that is on the left side of the bed. I have the entrance of the room in the left side. My bed on the centre opposite of that my my dresser. On the left I have my bathroom and my closet. My closet is a semi walk in.

As I take a shower and comb my hair in the shower because it's gonna save me time while I get ready. I shampooed my hair then I conditioned it. While I have the conditioner in, I part my hair in the middle and comb my hair. My hair is literally a lions mane when I wake up. My curls are everywhere and tangled so there's a reason why my hair is usually always up or in a loose bun. As I'm done combing my hair, I lather myself with a body wash and tada I'm done.

I get out of the shower and start getting ready. I put my music on shuffle and 'Motive' by Ariana grande ft. Doja cat started playing. I put my hair up real quick while I put on light makeup. As I'm finishing up I head to my closet and pick my outfit for today. I picked a pair of light washed mom jeans, with a plain white shirt and a cardigan on top. I picked a pair of high top converse and were done.

I make my way downstairs and head to the kitchen. The smell of pancakes and bacon hit my nose and I knew I'll have a nice morning. The smell of pancakes is just a scent to die for.
"Buenos dias hija" my mom smiled while flipping the pancakes. "Hola mama" I smiled back while popping a pice of bacon in my mouth. Spanish was my first language due to the fact nobody spoke English around me. My mom served my two pancakes and I ate them fast. Hell I inhaled them with four pieces of bacon and an egg with a cup of orange juice. I rushed out the door saying bye to my mom and jumped in the car with Olivia.

"Morning" I said cheerfully at her. Ugh what's up with her. She's giving me a death stare and I smiled confused at her because she's usually the cheery one and I'm the one that has a bitchy face on. "My mom took my tv remote" she said blankly. "Don't you have the app on your phone" I questioned "yes but then she took my tv too" ohhhh I see what's happening here. Olivia and her mom play these 'pranks' on each other but some are like to see who will go crazy or tap out. I just nodded my head and she did too.

The car ride was silent all the way through besides the small take we had when she picked me up at my house. We arrived at school and started walking to the entrance. Alice was already inside waiting for us. The day was nice out today. It was in the seventies with a very little amount of clouds in the sky.

Walking to my locker we see Alice extremely happy. Olivia shares me a look of confusion and I was just as confused as her. The hall was packed with student talking, making out, and rushing to class. As we reached her she pointed her finger at my locker "Em you have. Secret admirer" she squealed. I take the note off my Locker and read it. "Kinda rude to throw my letter away. See you soon love, I miss you" " no I don't" I said bluntly and walked my way to class.

Why. Why. Why. This isn't a secret admirer this is a stalker. How did they see that I threw it away. I clearly saw nobody in the hall at that time. Now my mood is ruined by that stupid letter. I head to first and sit there thinking.

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