Chapter 2: Class from Hell

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Emilia's POV:

First period went by fast due to the fact that it was only half of what we usually spend in that class from hell. Second period is by far the worst. I have the three musketeers from hell. Kayden, Reece, and Tristan.

Reece is the goofy/funny one. You can never have a dull moment with him. I will admit I did laugh here and there with his jokes and statements. He's also kinda cute. They all are tbh. Reece is honestly a sweetheart on the inside but we're not gonna talk about that.

Tristan is the quiet and mysterious one. Tristan speaks but when he does it isn't good. Tristan likes to keep to himself and not put himself out here like how the other two do. Kayden and Tristan have only known each other since middle school, but I swear they're like brothers

The boys have a relationship like no other. Kayden and Reece know each other since birth and kayden with Tristan since middle since middle school. They are each other's ride or die. I swear sometimes I wonder how they're not actually brothers.

As I walk in the class is empty. I like being the first one there. I'm never late nor tardy. A nice clean record. I get myself seated and start taking out my notes. I sit in the middle. Not too much to the front nor the back.

Class started getting filled pretty fast. The three boys entered Loud like always and sat down. I sit closer to Tristan than The others. Tristan sits two seats away from me on the left. Reece sits in the first row in the front. Right In front of the teachers desk. You probably already know why. Then last but not least, kayden. Kayden sits on the second to last row in the very back. Then me. Fourth row towards the middle.

As the bell rings the teacher walks in and starts speaking. I space out and start thinking what I would do after school. This class if your wondering is french. Nobody pays attention. And when i mean nobody I mean nobody. Even the teacher starts rambling about things that don't even make sense.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when something went flying across the room. Whatever that was hit Reece in the head and he let out a loud curse word that made the entire class look at him. Reece got the thing that hit him and threw it back to where it came from. Kayden. They had a little contest to see who can hit each other harder but that got disturbed by the teacher clearing his throat.

" well class, since today is the pep rally class is being cut short and the bell will ring shortly, please remain Seated and quiet for the remaining time" he stated while saying seated and quiet louder and more obvious for Reece and kayden.

This class is literally and I mean literally the most boring, and chaotic class I have. The teacher passes us all due to the fact we have our star player here. Can you guess it? Lemme give you one hint. Well you know it already. Kayden. Whooo what a surprise. If he doesn't pass he can't play so this is and easy class he doesn't have to try in.

As I'm putting my things away the bell rings and we head to our next class.... Literature

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