Chapter 15

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Bella's POV

My alarm woke me right at the same time Charlie started pounding on my door and I can't help but laugh when I shut it off.  "I'm up!" I yell and the pounding on the door stops.

"Good. I thought you were going to sleep right through your alarm." He says through the door and I get out of bed and go to the door and open it.

"Why? Was it going off long? I just woke up just before you started pounding on my door. You know, it was like you were about to kick it down next and storm in like you were doing a raid." I say amused and he shakes his head smiling.

"Very funny; your alarm was going off for a good minute before I decided to knock to wake you up."

"I guess I was in a deep sleep mode." I say and it dawns on me that it was another nightmare-free night and I watch his expression for any indication if I had one and maybe woke him up during the night and maybe I just don't remember it. He doesn't frown or say anything about it, so u guess I was right.

"All right, no more standing around here, get ready for school and I'll make us some breakfast and then I'll drive you to school." He says and then starts to leave.

"Actually, I have a friend picking me up." He stops and turns around and draws up his brow in question. "And who would that be?" He curiously asks and I smile.

"Rosalie Hale actually, and she's also the one who drove me home. Did you know she rebuilds cars as a hobby and she took a look at the truck and said that it could be fixed but with time and money since the parts Jacob put in were all wrong." He chuckles and gives me a look that causes me to blush.

"What?" I say when he doesn't say anything.

"I didn't say anything, nothing at all." He says chuckling and abruptly turns and walks away heading for the stairs. My mouth drops as I hear him laughing when he goes down the stairs loudly. 

Silence is almost worse than him saying something about my little rant about Rosalie Hale.  I'll just get ready quickly and go down there and keep my mouth shut unless he asks me a question. Yup, that's what I'm going to do, I nod to myself.

When I'm all showered, my teeth are brushed, I'm fully dressed, got my phone in my pocket, and backpack on my shoulder I go downstairs and right away I smell that he's made bacon and coffee and no doubt he has eggs made too.  As predicted I see that he's putting two plates filled with eggs, bacon, and toast on the table and he turns and grabs two coffee mugs off the counter.

"You know, if you took as much care, making other meals throughout the day as you do making breakfast, you wouldn't have so much trouble since you know how to read and can obviously follow directions since you achieved the status of Chief of Police." He laughs and shakes his head and sits down and I do the same.

"I've tried. Trust me I've really tried, I just can't figure out what I do wrong ." He says sounding disappointed and I nod already guessing what he's doing wrong and I know it's either the wrong temperature he's setting the stove or oven at or he doesn't stand there and watch or use a timer.  Knowing him boiling water that one time I was a kid and he tried making pasta it's both.

"Let's pick a day during one of the weekends and we will cook all day and I'll see what you're doing wrong and we'll correct it." I tell him and then start digging into my eggs and when I look up at him he's actually giving me a huge smile.

"I'm down for some father-daughter bonding." He finally says and then begins eating too and I chuckle briefly after swallowing. I smile liking what he said and we both quietly and quickly eat and when we finish we both take our dirty dishes to the sink. 

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