Chapter 6

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The gym teacher finally walks in drawing our attention as he blows his whistle and tells us that we are doing health assessments for the week.  His announcement was followed by groans from most of the class, which quickly stopped when the teach blew his whistle loudly and I feel Alice flinch next to me.  I look towards her and she turns her head towards me and gives me a smile which I return and I look back towards the teacher.

The class is quickly put into groups and I ended up in the same group as Alice and Emmett Cullen which I discovered was the guy sitting next to her when the teacher called upon him.  I never would have guessed they were related to each other except for the eye color and the pale skin they share.  Regardless, I was glad to be in the same group as Alice, since I didn't know anyone else.  I mean I recognized some of the faces from my other classes in our group but none of them have come up to me while I was standing with Alice and Emmett; which I was happy about.  

Once we were in our groups the teacher informed our group that we were going to be running laps and we have to run as long as possible.  If we stoped that would be our time.  He then shows us where to start and when were ready he blows the whistle and starts his stop watch and we all take off running. I start jogging and of course the guys take off like it's a race and I shake my head at them and smile because they won't last long. I look beside me and see Alice and a few of the girls keep pace with me.

"Those guys are going to fast, it's not like this is a race or anything." A girl next to me says and I look over at her and she looking across the gym at the guys and sees me looking at her. "I know right?" I say to her and she looks at the guys again and scoffs and turns to talk to the girl next to her, ignoring me and I rolls my eyes and speed up away from them.

I start thinking how rude the blond girl was when I feel a slight nudge on my arm and I look to see Alice and I give her a smile. 

"I saw how rude Lauren was."  

"Oh, well?" I respond nonchalantly and keep running and she giggles at my I don't care attitude. 

We continued running and by the time the teacher blows the whistle for us to stop there's only four of us still running and I was the only girl and Emmett was one of the three ']''guys left.  

"That was great guys, now go and get a drink before you head to the locker rooms." The teacher tells us and walks off to another group. 

Everyone slowly walks away but I start walking around the gym to cool down and stretch a little. When I make a lap the water fountains near the doors are free and I make my way over to them and take a much needed drink before I head to the locker room.  

When I get to the locker room it's almost empty and I'm kind of grateful it is, because while I was running I couldn't help notice a lot of people would look at me or Emmett.  So having the locker room almost empty saves me a lot of looks or even whispers behind my back.  I change quickly and when I'm done I'm the last in the locker room and since it's the last class of the day I bet everyone was eager to leave school.  

The bell rings just as I'm walking out the locker room and I walk through the hall and class lets out.  I about to walk past one of the classrooms when the door opens and my breath catches when I see the first person out the door. 

"Hey Bella."  Rosalie says in a voice that belongs to a goddess or angel. Huh, why didn't I notice how beautiful her voice was before. 

"Hi Rosalie."  I say back as she walks along side of me.  I hear her hum and I watch her lick her lips and I quickly look away before she catches me looking at her, because I definitely don't want a repeat of what happened at lunch. 

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