Chapter 17

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The drive to her house was longer than I thought and I couldn't believe they had to drive this every day to school. I was even more surprised when she slowed down and a dirt road appeared before my very eyes. It was so well hidden and narrow and it never widened until the very end where it just opened to a well-manicured lawn, but that wasn't the focal point. It was the huge dark browns multi-story house, with windows everywhere. The house itself blended so well, it was like it was built with the mindset of forest and I can understand why they could have so many windows with how deep in the woods they are; no neighbors meaning they have the ultimate privacy.

"That was intense." I say and she laughs at my comment like she was expecting it.

"Why? Did you think I was driving out to some isolated place to murder you?" She says with humor. I look to see her trying to look menacing as she parks in front of a huge closed garage.

"No, I was worried about you scratching this princess, because you came pretty... close to some of those branches on the road. I was also thinking maybe you were taking me to a place where the kids from school go parking and maybe you wanted to steam up the windows." I say with a straight face while petting the dashboard. I wink at her when her eyes widen at me. I look away at the dashboard lovingly and smirk to myself.

"You've got a great driver princess, but if she ever comes close to hitting those branches and makes the tiniest scratch on you, I'm gonna come over with a chain saw, garden looper, and a wood chipper and you'll never have to worry about getting anymore scratches on your pretty, sleek, and shiny body." I say with a bedroom voice while still caressing the car and I realize the car is off and Rose hasn't said a thing.  

Laughter starts building and it bubbles up and I can't control it and I burst out with full belly laughter. When I calm myself I slam myself back into my seat and turn my head to see she's shaking her head looking at me amused with her very own laughter merely seconds away.

"I'm starting to think you like my car more than you like me." She states instead of laughing and it becomes quiet.

"That's not true. If anyone comes around you and lays a hand on you in an unwanted way, I'll be there to physically remove them and I will teach them the reasons why they should never touch a woman without their permission. I'll break each finger on their hand while I make each point and the next time they so much as think of touching someone like that again their fingers will tingle remembering each break. So, tell me blondie, do I really like you more than your car? Because I'll kill trees for this beauty and I'll break fingers for you." I say with seriousness but what I said is more like a vow, because I feel very protective over her and that is the scariest part of this whole conversation because I realize I'll do anything to protect her.

"I can't tell if you're serious or joking." She says and she takes the keys out of the ignition and opens her door and I didn't even realize she took her seatbelt off.

"Stay tuned my queen, because I have to make sure Charlie has all those tools first. And for the other part, I'll wait and watch you destroy them with your words first and if they move an inch towards you with their hands out I'll be at the ready and once they lay a finger on you they're mine." I say sounding dead serious and my hands are in fists. Rose laughs and gets out of the car and I smirk and shake my head at her laughter because she doesn't know how serious I'm truly being and that's my fault because I joke around with her way too much. Sexual tension is a bitch. I know it's affecting us both and we also both have walls up.

I get out of the car and I carefully shut the door. I make a good show of looking at the side of the car carefully while caressing the princess.

"It must suck for whoever has to plow that road." I say when I'm done looking at the car and I look up to see she's looking at me with an amused expression and she doesn't seem to mind that I got my fingerprints all over her nicely waxed car. I notice she's been smiling more and I see her inner beauty whenever she smiles so genuinely. I look away before I act on certain urges that have awakened in me and I don't want to seem like a creep just staring at her, so I look up because it's safe to look at the house with my current expression of wonder and awe; then have her see it directed at her when we are supposed to be friends. It's not hard to look at the most beautiful house I've ever seen in Forks or possibly anywhere. What the hell is with all this beauty? Beautiful people, beautiful clothes, cars, and now house. I think to myself.

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