Chapter 2

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By time the song is over students start arriving and Emmett turns down the volume when we get a lot of looks. I shake my head and hold back a retort of Emmett playing his music loud. I was right on the money with us getting more attention than usual. Sometimes he can be an idiot.

It doesn't take long for the parking lot to fill up and some of the humans are standing around by their cars instead of heading inside at this we all get out and stand by the jeep. Edward also gets out of his Volvo and comes to stand by us and I can tell by the look on his face the thoughts he's receiving must not be that pleasant. He turns to me and nods having read my thoughts as well. I give him a look as to say what did you hear and he steps closer to me.

"You might want to turn around or better yet, lean your back against the jeep instead of facing us." He says then goes back to where he was standing. The others look behind me to see what Edward was talking about and I curiously turn to look. The moment I turn around quick and a low growl rumbles in my throat. It makes Emmett laugh his loud obnoxious laugh. Jasper has a slight smile and looks away as to not catch my eye. Ah, good boy. Alice is smiling behind her hand doing a good job not to laugh. She does however start laughing when I throw my fist to the side catching Emmett in the stomach. "Oomph." Expels out his mouth.

"Seeing all that wasn't that funny, unless you were laughing at their puny sizes."  I tell Emmett making him laugh again and my other sibling can't contain their own giggles. "Not that I was really looking." I add in a whisper before anyone else can mention it.

"Oh, we know Rosalie. Don't worry. " Alice says and Edward gives her a pointed look which stops her from saying anything else. I don't find it odd since they do that often. It's like she can read his mind too and they have silent conversations, much like Carlisle and Edward tend to have.

"Emmett, it isn't just Rosalie who's capture attention of her admirers." Edward blatantly tells him.

"They are not my anything. So, please refrain from calling them my admirers." I say with icy words and he nods his head. My attitude make my siblings quiet again, that's until Emmett's curiosity gets the best of him.

"So, what are they thinking Eddy?" Emmett asks with slightly more than mild curiosity and near giddiness. He acts like a kid sometimes, goes right through my head and Edward chuckles and gives me a quick look before looking back at Emmett.

"Well, since Jasper and Alice are the only couple, they received the typical thoughts of equal amounts of envy and jealousy due to their on going relationship." I nod my head and smile when the two side hug and cuddle one another. Jasper even kisses her on the head, making Alice purr slightly in content. Clearing his throat Edward looks at Emmett again.

"It seems this year you and I are receiving even more lurid thoughts from the typical minds." He says, looking appalled and we all know who they're coming from. At hearing this Emmett's reaction is opposite of Edward's reaction. Emmett's look was more of a sly, yet cocky look. He even turns around with his chest puffed out and his muscles flex making them bulge out. I personally think he resembles a bird I once saw in tv that ruffled his chest feathers out.  Thinking this I bite my lip to stop from laughing.  However, Edward must have been listening to my thoughts again because he busts out laughing and even holds his stomach.  I smirk at him and contain my own laughter.  Emmett is still fluffing his feathers so to speak and doesn't even turn to look at Edward and ask him why he's laughing. 

We instantly hear a few gasps in the parking lot, followed by.  "Oh yeah." From Emmett in a cocky whisper so that only we can hear. I end up tighten my fist so that I don't smack him upside the head.  I'm really tempted though and I still might, depending on the next thing he does or says. His mouth opens to say something but he stops and he's saved from me from smacking him with vampire speed. We all turn and look when we hear a loud vehicle coming in the distance. I grimace hearing how loud the thing is as it gets closer. Even my siblings gather a little closer.

"Here she comes." Alice says in a sing song voice making me roll my eyes.

"Act natural, we're getting some attention." Jasper suddenly says being the ever vigilant one.

"They're wondering what we're looking at." Edward adds as we spread apart automatically and I end up turning around not really caring what this human looks like.

"You guys act like she's something special." I say looking at all their faces as they look ever so subtlety behind me.

"With the way Chef Swan has been bragged about her arrival, she's kind of a celebrity in town. Listen to what the students are saying." Edward says and the rest nod their heads at me, so I listen, even thought I tend not to listen to their mundane banter. It only takes me five seconds to hear enough and I find myself walking away, not bothering to wait any longer.

"Rosalie wait." Alice says behind me but I ignore her and I Jasper tells Alice to let me go and I feel a sudden calm come over me and I know it's Jasper doing it. The loud vehicle get closer and I quicken my pace.

When I enter the school I ignore the few student walking around and go straight to my locker. Outside I hear the boom of vehicle back firing and I just know it came from the one we heard. I'm curious if it really belongs to the Chef's daughter but knowing Alice she probably already seen her arrival. I slam my locker door with a little more force than necessary, making people jump when I realize I thought of her. Why am I even curious if it's her vehicle? I question myself making myself get more frustrated, hence the slamming of my locker. I ignore all the looks and quickly walk to my class, getting a wide berth from everyone in the hall.

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