Magical Forest

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Harry stopped walking when he reached the middle of the clearing, pulled by his hand into Louis embrace. "Baby you didn't say please, you know daddy likes it when you use your manners, now beg for it like the good little boy you are" Louis spoke with such authority and conviction, Harry knew this tone all too well and absolutely melted when he heard it. That tone of voice was always reserved for their sub/dom play. Over the years they'd explored it more and more, after both being incredibly turned on when Louis was referred to as daddy. The more they used it the term 'daddy' the more they loved it, but reserving it for play was perfect, as if a flip switched for the both of them when it was spoken. The unspoken connotations they'd created around the word heard on a much deeper level.

Louis held Harrys face with one hand, slightly squishing his cheeks together as he kissed him deeply, passionately with so much dominance. When Louis released his face "Beg" was the only word he spoke. Harry's pupils dilated with lust the moment he heard if. His legs went weak under him, but that only helped him get to where he wanted faster, kneeling right in front of Louis, the outline of his semi hard cock flush against his sweatpants. Without a moment passing Harry pressed his face against Louis crouch, rubbing himself against the fabric. Desperately he mouthed at Louis cock through his clothes, moaning as he inhaled and exhaled trying to steady his breathe from the excitement ripping through his body. He could smell Louis sweat through his pants and with each inhale it sent him deeper into lust and submission. The fact that his cock was now straining against his own clothes, from only rubbing against Louis clothed erection sent a bright blush of humiliation against his cheeks. He'd felt desperate and needy before and god did it turn him, he could feel the literal ache to be stretched opened and filled up, his hole clenching and unclenching around nothing. He kept his hands by his thighs as he continued to rub his face against Louis, it made Harry feel more submissive this way. Made him feel so slutty and needy and fuck that just fuelled the desire deep inside him. He lost his mind slightly as he licked and mouthed at the outline of Louis cock, leaving a very wet patch of the front of Louis pants.

"Fuck baby, look at you, so fucking desperate for me hey baby. Want daddy to fuck your tight little hole, need it dont you?" Louis spoke as he looked down at the incredible scene in front of him. Harry on his knees unravelling before him without even skin to skin contact.

"daddy please, please let me taste you, need you inside me somehow, fuck just need you" the words coming out muffled as Harry continued to lick and mouth at Louis cock through his pants.

"Go on then baby, you want it so bad it's all yours" he spoke as his fingers hooked inside the fabric of his shorts and pulled them down, cock springing free. Harrys head moved forward so fast it was surprising he didn't get whiplash. Eyes fixated on Louis cock, saliva started producing, literally salivating at the sight of Louis hard cock in front of him. Louis placed his hand on Harry's forehead and pushed him back slightly holding him about 5cm from his body. "Harry, remember your colours yeah" Louis spoke in a gentle tone, using Harrys name to ensure he had his attention. The colour system was something they'd read about on some forum and decided to use initially for more intense play but now they used it in everyday life, they found it helped in all areas of their relationship. "Yes daddy, I'm green" Harry said as he gazed up into Louis eyes. Louis moved his hand off Harrys head, a second later and Harry was licking lightly around the head of his cock. Lapping up any pre-come he could as if he was starved. Circling his tongue around tip, moaning lowly his face reflecting utter bliss. Harry hand came up from his thighs, one wrapping around the base of Louis cock and the other gripping Louis hip for support.

Harry always had been obscene when it came to sex, lust taking over in such a powerful way that all his inhibitions were gone. In general life Harry was slightly reserved, confident but always an air of uncertainty surrounding him. In sex however, this sultry animalistic energy came out, so powerful and confident, nerves or uncertainty almost never present, he may look out of control but he knew exactly what he was doing.

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