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Back at camp Niall had decided it was time for a piss and maybe just a little alone time, third wheeling two couples all the time can sometimes just get a little too much. Zayn and Liam had started a pretty intense make out session a few minutes ago and it didn't seem like they were coming up for air anytime soon. It was about 430 now and the sun was just starting to set, dusk was just settling in. He took an electric lamp with him just in case it got too dark and wandered into the forest. Placing the lamp on the ground a few strides in he reached down and pulled out his cock. A little drunk at this point he relaxed and enjoyed his piss, savouring the relief the way only someone drunk could. Hand still wrapped around his cock his mind flashed a few images on Zayn and Liam making out, the way Zayn grinded down onto Liam's lap, causing him to muffle a moan into Zayn's lips. Niall eyes fluttered shut as he thought about all the times he'd caught the two couples in heated moments. He lazily stroked his cock as it fattened up, mind replaying the time he'd walked into the kitchen after a big night with the boys to Harry on his knees humming moans around Louis cock, spit covering most of Harrys face. Louis was lent against the kitchen bench sipping his tea as he watched Harry's performance with pleasure and pride smirked across his face. A not so distant moan caused Niall's eyes to immediately open and scan around, a little shocked and slightly unsure if the moan had maybe came from him or someone else. He heard it again, tilting his head toward the one direction of the moan. Hand still holding onto his cock he stumbled quietly toward to noise.

His noticed the bright clearing a few steps ahead and heard a very distinct voice say the words "If you want more baby you gotta use your manners", another highly recognisably voiced spoke next although it sounded more pained than usual. "Please daddy please, just one more finger I need it daddy, need you stretching me". Niall becoming instantly more aware of his surroundings, his cock twitching in his hands, without thinking he moved ever so quietly to the edge of the clearing.

In plain view was Louis kneeling behind Harry, hand up to his ass. Harry was rocking back then grinding for a few moments before rocking forward again. "Yes", "More" and groans stuttering out from Harrys mouth. Niall felt a heat flush his cheeks as he watched onto the scene in front of him. Hand tightening around his cock, he kept it still while he deliberated. Should he stay and watch? or was that weird? They were his mates, would they want him to see this? But they wouldn't need to know? He could just tug himself off quickly like he intended to do and then venture back to camp, no one needed to know. One hand steadied him on the tree while the other tugged at his now painfully hard cock. He didn't quite understand why watching his friends together when they didn't know he was watching was getting him so excited, but he resigned to leaving that little thought in the back of his mind to ponder on another time.

*Niall's introduction, how did you like it ?*

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