Part 6

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"Rise and shine, mortal."

Jason sat up in bed irritatedly. He opened his eyes and Whizzer was standing over him, that condescending half-smirk on his face, which was something Jason usually admired about him.

"Where were you last night?" Jason demanded, tucking his legs up next to him. "Mendel and I came home from the cemetery and you weren't here."

Whizzer sighed. "Oh, damn it, I'm sorry. I guess I was kind of taking an off day. Not like I need one, I just figured... wait, why were you at the cemetery?"

"We went to see your grave," answered Jason. "It was weird. I kept laughing."

"I deserve that," Whizzer remarked, raising his eyebrows.

"No, it was really strange. I was just thinking how Mendel doesn't know I can talk to you and I haven't told anyone else... is it like a secret or something?"

"No, but..." Whizzer exhaled. "I don't know how everyone would react if they saw me. You know I'm not alive. And it won't be anything like when I was alive."

Jason nodded.

"The only reason I really came back here was for you. And don't mention the fact that I wasn't there last night, because I already thought of it."

"Okay, I'm over it," muttered Jason. "I just want to know how you're doing."

"Oh, I'm fine. The afterlife isn't that eventful. What about you? How are things? How's..." He paused. "How's your dad?"

"Which one?"

Whizzer laughed a little. "Marvin, I mean."

"Oh. Well, he's fine. What do you want to know?" Jason asked.

Whizzer hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. "I guess I just was wondering how he's holding up. Has he been seeing anyone new?"

"Whizzer, the body's not even cold yet. And besides, you know he's never going to get over you. You were the love of his life."

He smiled upon hearing this. "And he was mine," he said quietly.

"Yeah, exactly. So don't think he's going to throw away three years of life-changing history for some other douche, especially this soon afterward."

"Thanks for that," laughed Whizzer. "I mean, I thought that, but who knows. So how's school?"

"I'd rather not discuss."

"Okay. Has that kid Connor—"

"He's left me alone. I mean, I guess so. I told Mendel what he said the other day," he remarked. "That's when he took me to the cemetery."

Whizzer nodded. "You know your parents just want to help you, right?"

"Of course they do," said Jason. "But it's not going to do anything. They don't know what I'm feeling. They don't know what it's like."

"Maybe they do."

"Aren't you supposed to be on my side?"

"Of course I'm on your side, buddy. But we both know that they're doing their best, and you've got to give them a chance. I can't be there all the time."

"Then what's even the point of you being here? I thought you were like my guardian angel. You sure weren't guarding me when I punched a kid at school."

"Jason..." Whizzer ran a hand through his hair. "You know it's hard for me. I can't be everywhere all the time. I have to be discreet. But I'm going to do my best, okay? And you can talk to me anytime."

"Except last night," Jason couldn't help pointing out.

Whizzer held up his hands. "Hey, give me a break. I had stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Angels have things they gotta do. Until next time, alright? I think your mom's coming and this would be a really complicated situation to explain seeing as I'm dead and all."

Jason smiled. "Okay. Bye, Whizzer."

Soon as Whizzer disappeared, Trina knocked just as he had predicted. "Jason, honey? Who were you just talking to?"

"Um. No one. Just a cat."

"A cat?"

"There's one outside my window. He's really annoying. He keeps climbing the tree. Okay?"

Trina stepped back. "Okay. Well, just a reminder, you'll have to get ready for school soon."

"Got it." Jason had almost considered not going, but he had already missed enough and figured it would just stir up more drama if he didn't show up. A minute later he was downstairs having breakfast, dressed and all.

Trina gave a smile of relief when she saw him. "Have you been feeling okay, Jason?" she asked him.

He looked up and frowned. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Mendel told me about the drive you two took yesterday—"

"Of course he did," Jason sighed. "Mom, look, I'm fine. I got in one fight with some asshole kid—"


He shook his head. "Sorry. Anyway, you don't need to keep worrying about me. Everyone already is. You, Mendel, Dad, Cordelia and Charlotte, Principal Finn... I'm not as emotionally damaged as you guys think I am," he snapped.

"All right, all right," Trina said quietly. She kissed the top of his head. "I'm just looking out for you."

Like I don't already have someone to do that, Jason thought with a slight smile on his face.

"I couldn't find anything," Mendel called out as he came inside the house. "It's probably gone by now."

"What's gone? What are you talking about?" Jason asked, swiveling around in his chair.

Trina motioned toward Mendel, who was brushing his clothes off. "He was looking for that cat you told me about. The one outside your window?"

"Oh, for Christ's sake—" Jason muttered, sliding off his seat. "I'm going to school now, guys. Don't worry about the cat anymore. He and I are cool." Not to mention the fact that there was no cat.

"Do you want me to drive you?" Trina asked as her son headed toward the door.

"No, I can walk. Bye, Mom. Bye, Mendel. See you guys after school."

Mendel waved to him. "Tell me if you see that cat again, okay?"

Jason couldn't help rolling his eyes as he started down the sidewalk. Why were they so concerned about every aspect of his life?

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