7 ~ Not remembering

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Romeo's P.o.V.

Where am I...? Everything was black around me, until I realised that I had my eyes closed. As I opened my eyes, I squinted to see what was in front of me. My vision was blinded by a white light that filled the area around me. When I looked down I could just make out the silhouette of my legs and feet. I couldn't make out the source of the light. Afraid of what might be ahead of me, I cautiously bent down to feel the ground. Reaching down, I slid my fingertips over what I thought would be the ground. But when I stretched out my hand, I felt nothing. I bent down further, and lowered my hand. Still nothing. I had no idea where I was, or what was going on.

I felt my feet and where they were placed on what was supposedly some kind of 'ground'. I lifted my foot off the 'ground', and as I put it down, I heard a tap. So there was a 'ground' underneath me. I reached down again, and tried to touch the 'ground' of the area between my feet. Still, my hand passed below my feet and I could feel nothing. I stood back up. Taking a little courage, I lifted one foot and gingerly put it in front of the other. As I transferred my weight on to it, it stayed where I put it down. It was strange. I couldn't feel anything hard when I touched down with my hands, but I could take steps normally.

Always careful and cautious, I walked a few more steps forward. It felt strange, and my movements were somewhat slow, as if I was trying to move in water. I walked around where I was, moving in various directions. I wanted to find out exactly where I was. As I walked and looked around, I saw a tiny spot far, far away from where I was. I walked towards it, and very little by very little, it started getting bigger. I continued to walk in its direction. It was a speck at first, then a dot, then a little circle growing in size, and then a blob. I walked and walked, and it got closer, but it was awfully far away.

Finally I came to a spot where I could make out the basic outline of the object. It was a person. And by the looks of it, a girl. Still merely a silhouette, I could make out that she was in a sitting position - no, more like crouching - with her chin resting against her knees. She had long hair, which fell down her back to the ground, surrounding her. Getting closer still, I could make out some of the colours. I saw blue, which I think was the hair, and red as well. As I approached her, she didn't look up. When I got close enough to see her figure in detail, I noticed that the red which I was seeing was blood. She had bloodied wounds all over her, and she was sobbing uncontrollably.

For some reason, she felt familiar to me. I couldn't see her face, because it was buried in her knees, but I knew by instinct that it would be someone that I could recognise at a glance. Yet I couldn't tell who it was. The name, who she is, what had happened to her, and everything that I knew about her just escaped me, even though those were facts I had always known. I had the strong urge to comfort the crying girl in front of me. Something had happened, something was wrong, otherwise she wouldn't have been crying like that. I slowly put my hand on her shoulder, and as I did that, I got a little shock. Her skin was ice cold. I flinched and my reflexes pulled my hand away from her skin. She looked up and around to face me.

Her eyes. They were blood red.


I woke up with a scream. I was sweating all over and my breathing was harsh. The thoughts of the nightmare were swimming in my head. My vision was cloudy for a while, until I adjusted focus and looked around me. I saw familiar faces. Guild members. They looked worried. I shook my head, trying to wake up properly. I tried to shuffle up in bed to lean against the wall. Gray, who was standing next to me, helped me settle against the pillow. 'Thanks,' I said. 'It's okay,' he replied kindly. I let a small sigh escape me.

'Sorry to ask you - you must be exhausted - but what happened, Romeo?' Juvia asked me.
'Hmm? What happened? What do you mean?' My memory was fuzzy.
'You looked like you were having a nightmare?'
'Oh, that. Yeah, it was a nightmare all right.'
'What happened in it?'
'Umm...I don't remember exactly, but I know it was exhausting-' I started.
'Would you mind to tell us?'
'Yeah, I'll see what I can remember.'

'So I'm not sure exactly where I was, I don't think it was a place on earth. Some sort of a different dimension, maybe. And I was there, and I had no idea what was going on, because everything was black. Well, it was black until I realised that I had my eyes closed. When I opened them, oh the light...' I cringed at the memory. 'Everything was white. Couldn't see a thing. I started walking around then I saw this...dot. Or what looked like a dot at first. It was really far away, so I started walking to it, and I saw it was a person. A girl. And she was crying. I think she had blue hair? And it was long. I swear she looked so familiar, but I have no idea who it might be. I couldn't remember any names. She was crying, crying a lot. So I went up to her to comfort her, and ask her what was wrong. When I went up to her and I put my hand on her skin, it was ice cold. And she had wounds all over her. I don't know why. Then she turned.' A small shiver sent a chill down my spine. 'Her eyes...were a bloody red colour.'

I wanted to find out who the girl was. She was definitely someone in real life too, because if she wasn't, I wouldn't have been able to feel so much familiarity from her. Although it was only a dream, I was worried about her. This is what I was thinking when a name passed my mind.

W-Wendy. Wendy Marvell.

A petite girl. Blue hair. And a familiar name.

I didn't know who it was, though.

But she was crying - why? And who is Wendy Marvell? Why is her name so familiar to me? Do I know her? Does she know me? What happened to her? Why is she so injured? Does it have something to do with me? Who in the world is this Wendy Marvell, exactly? Is she a friend? Someone from the guild?

As much as I strained to remember, I couldn't grasp it. The familiarity of her figure, her name, and everything else that I saw and felt about her was leaving me overcrowded with thoughts. I was so sure that I knew this girl, and that she knew me too. But how? How, how, how?

'Wendy...Wendy?' I said her name out loud. 'Wendy...Wendy...' I repeated it, hoping to get something out of doing so. But I didn't.
'Did you just say Wendy? Do you remember what happened last night?' A voice from next to me. It was Erza.
'Last night? I have no idea. And who's this Wendy? Do you know who she is?'
'Romeo, don't you remember? Wendy! Wendy Marvell! The Sky Dragon Slayer, 12-year-old girl, in our guild! Fairy Tail!'
'Sky Dragon Slayer? 12-year-old girl? What's that about?'
'I'm talking about Wendy! Don't you remember that you were out with her yesterday? And something happened?'
'What happened?'
'We don't know, just that you came back with her last night, after being at the theme park for the day. You were on a date with her. When you came back, and you were both injured. You were carrying her - do you remember anything at all?'

And everything came back at once.

Wendy Marvell. The Sky Dragon Slayer of Fairy Tail. The 12-year-old girl with the long blue hair, and the dark brown eyes. The girl who I was at the theme park with yesterday. The girl whose name floats around in my head all the time. The girl who I saw yesterday - thinking that she was dying.

My voice could barely make out a whisper.

'Is she okay?'



As always, I'm so sorry for being so taking forever to update - I went overseas for like two weeks right after my last update, and I didn't have my computer with me, so I couldn't write :( but here's the update on my return :)

Thanks everyone for being patient and waiting for me always, and for your always enjoying my story!

Votes & comments always appreciated, as always :)

Love you all xx


[ON HOLD] We're not that young! ~ A Fairy Tail RoWen FanficWhere stories live. Discover now