withering bloom.

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" you withered away before happiness
                         could even blossom "

      the story of five boys who only withered
                          in this cruel world.

                          withering bloom.
            a tomorrow x together short story
                   written by @minieberry_

it finally makes sense, everything does. the way you four left. i knew that after you found out about my condition, this is exactly how you'd walk out of my life. i want you back....no, i need you back. without you four... i'm nothing

i didn't know what to say when i found out why you left my life. i kept my condition a secret because i never wanted that to be the reason you'd leave me.

a part of me knew this secret couldn't have been held in forever. it couldn't have been kept forever, i only wished that you didn't have to find out so soon.

if only you could hear my side of the story...if only you would listen to me one last time and walk away.. if only i had a say in all of this.

i'd check my phone, a week straight and i'd be puzzled why you ghosted me, and blocked me.

i remember those messages you would send me that would leave me in tears from laughing till my stomach hurt. or those messages when you knew i was struggling, as i'd hear knocks on my door knowing it was you.

only the blue messages i sent fill up the screen. i'd wait to see the three typing bubbles, but they'd never appear. we were good friends. i get more and more anxious every day, i'm afraid..

i'm so afraid to live without you four.

it was so beautiful back then, so simple. even if my life is at risk because of you, can we please go back? but you'll never come back, right?

whenever I tried to reach you, I got the same message:

[ this user has you blocked, you can no longer send messages or call this number]

rather than just your cell phone number, that was when i realized, the five of us were no longer. there was never a hope in this friendship. did you feel no remorse or sadness when you left me, with no explanation?

i put everything in your hands, my trust, my worries, everything. it's bittersweet now that i think about it, thinking about our memories, everything we did as five. but you're gone now, there's nothing I can do. you're never coming back, huh?

even if i'm upset you left so easily, even if i can never stop wiping my tears as i hear the names of my past best friends

i hope you're okay. a part of me still hopes for only the best for you.

you may have cured my physical condition, but i will always be broken on the inside. i'd rather have you and make my condition worse, than have to leave you and wither.

i just want to bloom, can't i?

you left me alone when you four were all i had. now i'm sinking alone. how could i ever forgive myself for letting you find out what happened to me...

please come back to me. i'll forgive you,

and maybe i can try to forgive myself in the process of ruining the beautiful friendship we once had.


started: 08/04/21
ended:  10/5/21

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