7 | empty promise.

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HUENINGKAI began to get them all to stand away from beomgyu's front door and leave the house. they stopped aggressively knocking at the door as they all held their coats and gloves tightly, walking to their homes in the harsh snow.

the white scene of snow filled the air, as if it weren't late at night. it felt like a winter wonderland, even though it was only january. the boy's loved the snow. every winter the five of them would play around in the snow, tackling each other with snowballs and creating snowmen out of the snow piled on the grassy floor.

the five of them would sneak into their homes (which they used to live in with their parents) and steal the carrots, buttons, and scarfs to decorate their snowmen.

but that was the older times, years ago.

the boys didn't know that soon, their friendship would have to wither. if only hueningkai didn't have to find that document from beomgyu's room.

if only.

when hueningkai reached his home, he didn't hesitate to pull out his computer and beomgyu's hospital documents, placing both of them on his dining table. he didn't bother turning any of the lights on, as the white snow from outside was bright enough. he was too preoccupied with these documents to care about anything else. he grabbed himself a fresh mug of his favorite drink and sat at the dining table, beginning to research.

he sighs as he looks at the documents:

date, 10th August

days you have left: 6 days to perform surgery, remove the close friends, or no way to save yourself

countdown: 24 hours to make your decision, before you have no choice.

"do i need to ask him in 24 hours about this? what do i need to do?" he asks, to nobody in particular, as he looks to his dark and empty hallway, zoning out. he bunches his eyebrows, rubbing his forehead from exhaustion. a yawn escaped his mouth as his attention turned to the clock hung above the dining room table. he sighs, seeing the late time.

it wasn't too late for hueningkai to still do his research that we was busy on. he wouldn't let it go, he didn't want to break up such a lovely friendship the five of them had. he presses on the search bar on his computer, typing in:

"disease where you spit out flower petals"

all that he received from the search were results about hanahaki, which was confirmed beomgyu didn't have.

he kept signing, searching at least ten different things, with no answer as a result. his face fell in his hands, as he rubbed his eyes under his glasses, adjusting his specs back to how they originally were.

if this condition beomgyu has is so serious, why didn't the nurse say anything? why did she keep quiet when beomgyu's suffering.

hueningkai shook his head, as he adjusted his glasses and tapped on the search bar again.

"should i be more vague?" he asks himself quietly, as he begins to search up whatever questions he had on his mind.

"disease where you have to remove close friends"

he looks it up and received the result of:

"how to break a friendship"

"are you joking with me?" hueningkai said, as he sighed, while he began to close his computer. he pulled out his cell phone, dialing a number.

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