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beomgyu physically could feel his heart shatter into little pieces, spreading all across the grey tiled floor of the hospital's waiting room.

"there's no way..." beomgyu uttered to himself, as if he was telling himself to believe the impossible.

"i'm so sorry—"

"you're kidding, right? i'll go in the hospital rooms and their memory of the friendship will be perfectly fine, right?"

"i'm afraid this is no laughing matter—"

"i have to go in there and see the four of them—" beomgyu tried to push past the nurse, as she held him back calmly, fighting the force he kept going against.

"WHY—DID THE DOCTORS—SAY THERE WAS AN 89%—CHANCE???" beomgyu screamed, cutting his words into pieces, as he continuously made the attempt to enter the hospital room.

he eventually gave up, knowing that there's no win to this game. he moved onto pacing around the sofas, holding his hair furiously and upsetting between his fingers. "this can't be true, it's not true.." he continued to pace, as the nurse had to bring extra nurses around to help him calm down and take a seat on the sofa. he kept refusing until there was no way of escaping the situation.

there he sat, crowded around with nurses looking at him as if he were going insane. in fact, he wasn't. how did they expect him to react when he lost his best friends, the only ones he truly knew?

beomgyu kept on catching attention from others in the waiting room. but he couldn't care less.. that was not his primary concern. "then what?" beomgyu quietly said, loud enough for the nurses to hear. he let the grasp of his hair slowly became looser and looser, as he looked up at the crowd of nurses looking down at him.

"i admit i was at ease," beomgyu began, returning the degrading look the nurses gave to everybody. "because i truly thought that everything would be resolved after this. i thoughts that since they have such a high chance of regaining their memories, it'll be okay."

"but what made you all think that i would be perfectly fine hearing that my best friends don't remember the fourteen years of friendship that we shared?

"maybe, if i got the chance to speak for myself. if i got the chance to tell you all that i didn't want the surgery. they wouldn't be in this mess, would they?"

beomgyu's eyes grew teary, but he refused at any cost to let them fall. though, they shone in the bright but dim yellow light that hung above the ceiling in the waiting room.

"it's not your fault you had it first, nor is it your fault that you remembered them even after the surgery—."


"beomgyu." the nurse called, comfortingly but at the same time, in a stern tone. she held his shoulder but quickly took her hand off after seeing his state.

"it's not your fault you had it first." the nurse told him comfortingly, although he didn't feel at ease. she sat across from the boy with his face in his hands.

"i just wish...that i got a chance to say goodbye to them...

when they still remembered me."

the nurse sighed, although, no negative emotions could be detected in the sigh.

"working here for 50 years, i've seen people come and go. surprisingly, i've seen this same case before a couple of years ago in a group of friends." the nurse nodded her head slowly, as beomgyu raised his head from his palms.

"what...happened to..them?" he asked, in between his sniffles from crying.

"in their case...

they had no choice but to build the friendship back from square one."


the nurses had all walked away, one by one, leaving him sitting in the same position, from dusk to dawn. he watched the sunrise, only for it to set as he sat on  the sofas, battling all his thoughts that ran across his mind as if they were fighting against each other.

he began to hum to himself, the faded song that played quietly on the speakers that hung on top of the ceilings in the waiting room

he began to play with his fingers, as he sat across the quiet hospital rooms where the four of them sat.

beomgyu didn't know why he was still there. he felt that he had no reason to be, if they don't even know who he is.

he mumbled quietly with an upset pout, as he stopped fidgeting with his fingers and brought his knees up to his chest, as he directed his attention outside at the sunset from the window view.

(the book is slowly ending :( )

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