15 | i should

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"i-i don't understand.." yeonjun stuttered, falling to his knees on the wooden floor. he didn't care if he got bruises on his knees, because nothing hurt more than letting that yellow flower petal leave his throat. "how could this be happening?!"

yeonjun held his first flower petal in his hands that were cupped together, as he looked down to the floor, watching his tear drops fall to the ground. the other four surrounded him.

although, they didn't know what comfort he desired. a simple it will be okay couldn't be true to him. the fact that he will have to leave them, forever. that didn't feel right to him. the fact that they would have to break the friendship, to avoid anybody else having to feel the pain. breaking thirteen years of friendship that they worked so hard to build the foundation for?

shattering a piece of each of their hearts. yeonjun knew the risk of the disease of the sunflower being passed on. although, he didn't expect it so soon.

especially not on his birthday.

he didn't know what to do. he was lost, he wasn't hopeful anymore. after all this time, comforting everybody and only desiring to help others, he was the one in need of comfort at that moment. he didn't care about being strong in front of them, or keeping his guard up. he needed somebody, now more than ever.

the others began to wrap their arms around them in a group embrace. yeonjun sobbed into their shoulders, as he clasped his petal too hard to the point it began to wither. the petal began to rip into pieces. five delicate pieces of a petal that has done nothing but wither.

the other four couldn't help but shed tears along with their eldest friend. the fact that it could be one of their last times seeing him, embracing him, before they would soon feel the need to distance themselves, in order for the flower to rot and wither inside of yeonjun.

because, maybe, just maybe, the longer they force themselves to keep the friendship, the more pain it would cause.


september 13th

yeonjun's true birthday. he woke up in his bed that morning, rubbing his eyes and sitting up straight. he rolled his neck and stretched his arms before standing up.

he was just glad he woke up from that terrible nightmare. anything, but that nightmare full of terror.

he went to the kitchen downstairs, filing himself a glass of water from the fridge. his throat had felt oddly dry and scratchy. he gulped down the water, as he let out a hiss sound due to the pain it caused in his throat.

"why does it hurt so bad to speak?" yeonjun asked in a quiet voice, to nobody in particular. due to his hurting throat, he began to make himself a warm breakfast. although soup was not his ideal breakfast, he decided to go for it. anything that could help the pain he felt in his throat.

he took a seat at the dining table by himself and pulled out his phone. he was shocked to see that none of his friends wished him a happy birthday, or had come to see him.

"i sure wish the beginning of my dream was real.." yeonjun mumbled to himself, as he began to drink his breakfast he made. he began to scroll through his phone, in hopes of finding some sort of entertainment. although....nothing excited him.

he finished his breakfast and cleaned up after himself, before grabbing his coat to take a walk to his best friends' houses.


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