3 | bloody petals.

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                               [ TW! anxiety]
         the flower disease mentioned in this is
                      completely FICTION.

"what are you guys doing here?" beomgyu asked, welcoming the four of them into his house, as he sat them all on the couches since they all had worried expressions on their faces.

"you haven't been responding to our messages, gyu. you haven't answered calls, talked to us, or anything in the past week." taehyun said, leaning back on the couch and looking at beomgyu.

"last time we saw you was last week when we were all hanging out here." soobin said, quietly as he softly spoke, "we asked you how you were and you didn't want to talk about it. it's been a week, what's been going on, beomgyu?"

"nothing has, i've been busy. that reminds me, i need to go work—"

"on what?" yeonjun says, in a monotone way, knowing it was beomgyu's way of escaping the situation. he sat him back down and paid attention.

"beomgyu, what's wron—"

i'm distancing myself for a reason, please just understand...

"i'm fine" he replied dryly, cutting hueningkai off and turning his attention to the movie he placed onto the television, as an effort to distract the others from the topic.

"beomgyu." soobin begins, grabbing the remote and pausing the television. "you're not fine." they all turn their attention to beomgyu as his legs begin to shake along with his fingers.

"I AM!!" beomgyu screams, as he continues to shake, the others remaining still in shock and unresponsive to whatever is going on.

beomgyu sits to the ground, shrinking his size and cupping his ears as if he's blocking himself from hearing something in the outside world.

the others tower over him, not in an intimidating manner, as beomgyu cries in his knees, crouched on the rugged floor near the couch he was once sitting on.

he wouldn't stop shaking, he couldn't breathe and just wanted a way out of his head. a way to leave everything bothering him. a way out from this hole he's in.

a rush of emotions took him over, he couldn't talk or breathe, he couldn't do anything. he needed an escape from the rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions he's been feeling. he can't simply tell his friends about his illness he's been experiencing, or his constant ghosting and dry messages...they're purposeful.

he couldn't bring himself to message back or start a conversation with any of them, the friendship will need to end someday. it would result with him in tears and constant lies about if he's fine. he's not, but it's not as if he could talk about his illness to anybody. in fact... not a single soul knew about it but him. and he kept it to himself, in fear and worry.

"beomgyu, please take deep breaths—"

"IM TRYING!!" beomgyu screams loudly, worried he upset yeonjun's calming voice. he looks up from his knees, standing up from the four of them

"i'm so sorry...for everything...." those were the last words he said before running out the front door, hearing them calling his name was enough reasoning to not turn back.


"BEOMGYU!! BEOMGYU!!" constant shouts could be heard from the four boys who were aching to find their broken best friend, their missing puzzle piece.

"w-where is he-" hueningkai spoke, in between his shivers from the pouring rain that hit them all hard. it was the worst possible time for rain to have come.

they all placed their hands in their coat pockets, regretting their choice of not bringing an umbrella along, or wearing thicker clothing with more layers.

it's too late now anyways, their best friend is nowhere to be found after they've searched for hours.

they all tilted their heads downwards, walking, as soobin raises his head and a voice full of pure shock,


the scream causes each of them to look up, running after soobin, as beomgyu was only a mile apart from them, begging for help.

the four of them reach beomgyu, as they pant out of breath, panning over his figure.

he looked fine, until he grabbed his throat and placed his other hand over his heart, his face writing pure pain all over it.

the others give him a worried expression as he crouched down to his knees slowly, spitting out yellow flower petals from his mouth onto the concrete sidewalks of the town in the rain that had soon washed away most of the petals.

they all screamed his name loudly, holding him, as he continued to spit them out, heavier when the four of them got closer and closer to him.

he couldn't take the pain anymore, the unbearable and striking pain in his throat and chest, as he soon faints onto the ground near the four of them, leaving only wet flower petals as his trace, which were soon washed away.

             the closer you get, the more i suffer

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