(1) Born without a heart.

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Every morning at precisely 6:40 in the morning, as the sun rises, Cassiopeia Juikan wakes up in her small broken down hut and boils water on her makeshift oven.

And every morning at 7:15 on the dot, her mother wakes up and comes to drink the tea her child has made, then she heads to work, fishing.

And at 8:35 every morning, Cassiopeia goes with the other children her age to fish in the ocean. They spend all day burning and tanning in the sun, talking with people as they fish.

Cassiopeia knows she's lucky, that she could have it much worse, but the work is awfully tiring and leaves her sore every night and morning.

But today is the reaping, everyone is excused from work, including herself. So she wakes up at 8:40am and makes the tea and fish at 9:15am, and they eat at 9:40. Then Cassiopeia takes a cold shower, scrubbing as much of the grim off her body as she can.

"darling do hurry the reaping is in an hours time!" Her mother calls from their small backyard that holds a broken rocking chair, some grass, and a palm tree for some shade.

"ill be ready soon." She calls back and grabs an old dirty cloth, washing the grime off herself. Cassiopeia has never considered herself to be "beautiful" or pretty or anything of the sort, she found herself to be completely average in every way. But when she looked in her cracked mirror that morning, with her hair in a French braid wearing an old dress (picture below), she thought, only for a moment, that she was beautiful. The feeling only lasted a second of course before she snapped out of her daze and her smile dropped, what was she thinking? She could get reaped today!

 The feeling only lasted a second of course before she snapped out of her daze and her smile dropped, what was she thinking? She could get reaped today!

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"oh you look so pretty!" Her mother complemented as she walked out of the houses door. It was so hot outside, Cassiopeia thought she would melt. "thanks mom" she smiled and walked up to the stand with her mother. "You'll be alright Cassi." Her mom embraced her and left to go to the adults section. A peacekeeper poked and pressed her finger then sent her off to the 15 year olds section.

As everyone filled the area Cassiopeia fiddled with her dress hem and bit her lip. What if she was picked? She would surely die! I mean sure she was good with a trident but she wasn't good enough to win! Lord knows she wouldn't ever kill anyone, she was known for her extreme kindness for God's sake!

But then again if god existed no one would be sent to the games, and they would all live in luxury and harmony. Cassiopeia is pulled from her thoughts when her bestfriend, Kaliana Coopirt loops their arms. "it'll be ok love, we'll be fine." She smiles at her and Cassiopeia immediately calms down.

Cassiopeia has known Kaliana for as long as she can remember, they both started working with some other children at the age of eight, whilst the others were drafted into a training facility which trained children for the games. They had immediately bonded and became the best of friends.

"thanks Kass, your the best." Cassiopeia smiled and they both giggled.

"welcome to the 74th annual reaping, and hunger games, and as always, best of luck!" They snap out of their laughter as Billy Narlom greets them. The two girls intwine their fingers, as Billy continues to talk. Eventually, the clip begins to play.

"War, terrible war...."


Cassiopeia began to sweat as Billy announced the traditional "as usual, ladies first!" And walked over to the massive glass bowl. "how many times is your name in?!" Cassiopeia asks in a rush as Billy drags out the process. "just once love, same as you." She replies, completely calm.

How is she so calm!? This is so stressful. Billy brings his hand out of the bowl and Cassiopeia tightens her grip on Kaliana's hand.

"KALIANA COOPIRT!" He yells and the colour drains from Cassiopeia's face. This can't be happening. Kaliana drops her hand and shakily begins walking up. No. No no no no, this, this can't be real, it can't be Kaliana.

And before Cassiopeia has time to think, before the careers have time to volunteer, Cassiopeia runs out and screams at the top of her lungs "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE." Kaliana shakily turns and looks at Cassiopeia's panicked face. "no." She whispers. "NO!" "NO I DENY, SHE CANT NO!" Kaliana shouts and tears spill from her eyes. All the two can think of is each other.

"I'm afraid you can't deny a volunteer miss." Billy smiles, still as joyful as ever. Kaliana drops to her knees and Cassiopeia immediately runs up to her and the two sob, embracing each other. "Im sorry, I'm sorry, I had to!" Cassiopeia smiles lightly at her friend as the peacekeepers drag her back to the rows. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she goes and stands where she is supposed to. This is right, she saved Kaliana, thats all that matters. Cassiopeia zones out and before she knows it, she is escorted to a room.

Cassiopeia's mother runs in and hugs her daughter tightly. "What were you thinking! I can't believe you!" Her mother yells, tears rapidly falling from her face. "You know I had to mom, I love you." She whispers sobs and hugs her again. "you better come home!" She yells as the peacekeepers take her back out.

Seconds later the door slams open and Kaliana runs in. Holding her tightly. "I hate you! How could you!" Kaliana screams and Cassiopeia smiles through her tears. "I did it for you, I love you and I hope I will get to see you." Cassiopeia Whispers, still in shock. "Oh you will Cassi, you have to." She kisses Cassiopeia lightly on the cheek and hugs her one more time before leaving out the door.

And as they drive to the train station, Cassiopeia wonders, were these people just born without a heart? And as they pull up to the station, scattered applause around them she realizes;

This is it. Cassiopeia is going to die.


Please I'm so excited for this book! I love her and clove so much!

Let me know if you think clove should win, Cassiopeia should win, both should win, or both should lose!

Glory And Gore ~ Clove KentwellWhere stories live. Discover now