(4) greek god

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Cassiopeia threw herself in her bed tiredly, training was even more tiring than she had expected, but she thought she did well. She had attracted attention from some of the tributes, but most importantly, two of the careers. Cassiopeia had managed to get attention from the boy from one, Marvel, and the girl from two, Clove. She wasn't completely hopeless, but she was doubtful of her survival.

"Cassi, darling, get up." Finnick said, bursting into her room and throwing the covers off her. Cassiopeia groaned and grabbed onto the sheets. "there is no such thing as rest in the arena Cassi, you need to train more!" Finnick said and pushed her off the bed onto the cold floor. Cassiopeia frowned at Finnicks smirk and slowly stood up. "We know you're good with a trident, but it's not the most efficient way of combat, so we need to teach you the basics of knife throwing, alright?" Finnick asked and Cassiopeia sighed and nodded.

Finnick smiled at her and left the room, telling her to meet him in ten minutes on the way. Cassiopeia groaned and walked towards her wardrobe, pulling out a fresh set of training clothes before peeling of her dirty ones and changing. She slid on some flexible shoes and tied her hair in a ponytail.


"all right, the first thing you have to know about knife throwing is that it's hard" Finnick said and Cassiopeia rolled her eyes. No shit Finnick. "Yeah, I would think so." she said and Finnick glared at her before turning around and throwing a knife at a dummy, landing it straight into the head. Cassiopeia's eyes widened and Finnick smirked.

"the next thing you need to know, is foot placement." He said and walked over to her. He kicked her leg out from under her and she fell to the floor with a groan. "always keep aware, and keep your legs in a stable position, or else all will go to hell " he said and helped her up. Cassiopeia repositioned her feet and Finnick nodded, handing her a small blade.

"next is wrist movement." He said and moved his wrist in slow motion as if he were throwing a knife. His wrist was quick and precise, moving as if itself were the blade. "now you try" he said and she nodded. She tried to mimic his movements and the knife landed in the shoulder. "could be fatal, but they could still kill you. Try again." Finnick said and Cassiopeia nodded and threw another knife, this one landing in the abdomen.

This went on until Billy came to get them for dinner. By that time Cassiopeia could land a knife in the chest and throat. "how are you doing down there?" Billy asked enthusiastically and cut into his steak. Cassiopeia shrugged and Finnick did too. "Cassiopeia can efficiently throw knives now, enough to survive if she doesn't get a trident." Finnick said and Billy clapped and grinned. "how lovely!"

Cassiopeia smiled and nodded. How is her knowing how to stab someone lovely? She felt like a gladiator training to fight for greek gods.

But maybe that's what she was doing.

Glory And Gore ~ Clove KentwellWhere stories live. Discover now