headcanons (one direction edition)

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I'm very sorry for not updating for so long. And I don't have any excuse for it whatsoever. But I'm back and am currently working on an assassin Blackinnon au one shot. Hopefully that will make it up to you all. Until then here are some headcammons of the Marauder and friends as One Direction fans-.

Sirius' 1D puns being as bad as Harry's Knock knock jokes.

Lily listening to 'Flicker' on a rainy day while reading her favourite book.

Emmeline's favourite song being 'Little Things' so Dorcas sings it to her all the time

Remus not liking 1D because of their party type loud songs but ending up falling in love with them after listening to MITAM (which he was forced to, by Sirius and James "how in the name of family show can anyone NOT like the Direction??!!")

Blackinnon watching This Is Us and Larry moments marathon on date nights because even though the night is supposed to be theirs, Larry is religion and 1D is the ultimate truth of life. (Jk but it ain't all that wrong lmao 👀)

All of them going to 1D concert in summer break, getting the VIP tickets (because they do be rich) and getting to meet them in person.

Remus and Liam connecting instantly talking about the immature 5 year olds they have to deal with on daily basis.

Marlene and Niall laughing the whole time on an inside joke they just created.

James, Sirius, Louis and Zayn talking about pranks they pulled on other members or just in general.

Harry comforting and telling Emmeline and Dorcas to be comfortable with their sexualities and not to be insecure about them.

Them in a picture: Louis and Marlene with their middle finger up, James and Harry with their peace out sign, Sirius and Zayn making random faces to ruin the photo, Niall laughing with his arms around Dorcas and Emmeline. Liam and Remus being the only ones who want to actually take a decent photo. Lily sighing at the immaturity of her friends.

Zayn, Sirius, Louis and Marlene smoking with each other and having the deepest conversations at 2 a.m.

Sirius singing 'they don't know about us' when Marlene gets insecure of their relationship and how maybe it wouldn't last long.

'Perfect' being Blackinnon's song.

Sirius growing his hair due to Harry Styles and partly to piss his parents off.

Them blasting A.M. during a small gathering with the OG (original) Marauders and Marlene while the Potters are in hiding
("just swimming 'round in our glasses, talking out of our asses like we're all gonna make it, yeah" "Sirius stop that song right now! baby Harry's finally falling asleep after so long and it has curse words in it! I don't want my son to grow up and be like James!")

Sirius finding out about the band in fourth year when they first formed and the band going on hiatus at around the same time when The Potters were murdered.

Harry P finding old record players, t-shirts, posters, autographed magazines and photos of his parents, Uncle and Aunts with one of the most famous boy band of all time.

Zayn and Louis along with Sirius and James being the resident pranksters of their groups and best brotp.

James and Lily about to go in hiding when the news of Zayn leaving the band comes on. Lily bawling her eyes out and James dying on the inside. Sirius being so devasted, starts spending most of his time listening to old 1D songs wishing he could go back in time. Marlene being the toughest in the situation and refusing to let emotions take best of her and says she supports him either way.

Harry P getting tickets of a Louis Tomlinson concert in third year from Arthur who's a Muggle lover

Harry P going to the concert with the photographs in his godfather's room. Him sneaking into Louis' room after the security forbids him to see Louis.

Louis getting nostalgic after seeing the familiar faces of Sirius, Marlene and others. Him not being able to contain it anymore and calling Zayn for the first time in years.

Louis and Zayn spending hours talking and telling Harry P tales about their two a.m. conversations with his godparents, the pranks they pulled with James and Sirius.

Harry P requesting them to get back together or have a reunion.
"It's not that easy, kid." Louis says patting his back.

"But why Louis? You and Z talked to me for hours about your time with my parents and relatives, why not talk to Harry, Liam and Niall? I know they'll absolutely love it" Harry P insists.

"I'm sure they've let go of us now Haz. It's time for us to move on too."

Louis and Z arguing but Harry P getting them to agree for a reunion. Them adding Harry S, Liam and Niall on the call. Them agreeing for a reunion and having one, breaking the whole Muggle world. All of them searching for Harry P after the reunion show, only to find him in the backstage with a redhead girl, ginger haired boy, a brown eyed girl on his side.

"Meet the next generation of the marauders" is all he says before pulling Niall in a big hug.

Thanks for the inspiration guys, we turned 'Ro's book into a 1D comment section but yeah. I've written this because of y'all.

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