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Taylor's POV

I woke up to see that Lea-Lea wasn't in my arms. I went down the hall and opened the bathroom door to see her in the shower. She had music playing so she didn't hear me close the door back. I went into the kitchen and saw her brother Dre making breakfast without a shirt. I know I'm with Liyah but Dre is so sexy. Im not like Trez so I won't do anything, but out couldn't hurt to look...could it?? I sat on the island, grabbed a piece of bacon and watched him cook. "Um can I help you with something ma?" He asked "Nahh but you can feed me though!" I said happily while flashing my million dollar smile. "Lol, ight cutie." He replied back after winking at me. He fixed my plate and handed it to me."OMFG!!!!" I screamed loudly. "What happened ma?" He asked in a scared tone "This is sooooooooo good, where did you learn to cook like that?" "Oh Liyah taught me." "Oh!" I said as Lea-Lea walked in looking beautiful...As always. "Hey big bro, hey sugar foot!" She said after kissing me. "Um I need to talk to you in private Liyah ...RIGHT FVCKING NOW!" He yelled while pulling her away from our second kiss. Um I'm not nosey so IMA let them talk while I finish my food!!!!!

What will dre say to Liyah??
Liyah slick playing that shit off!!
Will Taylor find out???
Taylor so fat!!

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