Find Me!!

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Trez's POV
I woke up feeling amazing today!! I got it n the shower and did my hygiene.I got dressed , grabbed my phone and keys and drove to Aaliyah house. When I pulled up I saw Dre, Taylor, and Mrs. Williams standing in front of their house talking to the police. I quickly parked my car and ran to them. "What happened...where's Aaliyah?!" I yelled. Dre had tears in his eyes and said..."Aaliyah's missing Trez. " I instantly fell to the floor and started crying. I just got her back and I already lost her. Its my fault I shouldn't have left last night...
Aaliyah's POV
I woke up with tape on my mouth and around my arms and ankels. My surroundings we unfamiliar until I noticed a tire...I'm in someones truck. Someone please Find Me!

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