I Finally Got My Woman Back!!!

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Taylor's POV
I forgave liyah a long time ago. She's a special part of me that I can't let go. Jordan dumb jealous ass the one who printed the newspaper... Just know that I beat that ass. I've been secretly talking to Dre for a week now and Lea-Lea was right. Dre does love me and he explained what happened and now I understand why liyah did what she did. I never knew that Lea-Lea used to get raped by her father. Lea-Lea did that so she could feel what real love felt like. Tbh I would have done the same thing. Dre also told me what Trez said to Aaliyah...that why I'm on my way to his house right fucking now! I pulled up to his house,got out the car and rung the doorbell. As soon as he opened the door I slapped him with everything in me. "Damn Taylor what was that for?" He yelled while rubbing his cheek. I pushed him aside, walked in and closed the door behind me. I pulled out my glock and held it in my hand." Just because we both in YRN don't mean I won't blast ya ass...now tell me why did you tell Aaliyah that she should go back to NY ad let her dad give her the attention she used too?"I asked now pointing the gun at his head." She shouldn't have played us against each other like dat...we were basically competing with each other for her love Taylor! "He semi-yelled. I put my gun away and pulled him over the couch to talk. "Look, I know what she did was wrong but you shouldn't have used her painful past against her Trez... Obviously she did it to feel love...that's why she said yes when you asked her out even though y'all had just met...You need to go apologize to her and start y'all relationship over." I said trying t convince him. "But she don't love me no more." He said while running his hands through his dreads. "If she went through all this then that mean sh love you and she never stopped." I said "You right...thanks Taylor... And I swear to God if you pull gun out on me again will fuck your life up my nigga!" He replied while hugging me. We walked out the house and went to Dre's to talk to Aaliyah!
Aaliyah's POV
I was in the kitchen cleaning up with Dre when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran and answered the door. I opened the door and saw Trez and Taylor standing there silently. All of a sudden Trez kissed me, picked me up and carried me in the house. I missed this. Taylor walked in and smiled at us. I got down and had a confused look on my face. "Um..." Was all I could get out before Trez kissed me again. Dre walked in thre living room and sat down. Taylor walked toward me and hugged me tightly and kissed me softly. "Um what's going on?" I asked still confused."We know why you did what you did and we forgive you."Taylor and Trez said together. Trez got on one knee and held my hands."I want you back liyah and this time I won't cheat, or lie, or keep secrets from you. I with be faithful to you and love you and only you. I promised you that I was gonna treat you like a queen...and I failed so now I'm gonna treat you like a goddess. I was nothing without you and I tried to mask my pain by being with other girls but every time I was with them something they did reminded me of you. I'm sorry about what I said to you it was rude of me. I wanna start over with you and maybe one day start a family with you, get married, and grow old with you. Aaliyah Raneá Williams will you be my girlfriend again?"he asked pulling out a yellow diamond ring...which is my favorite color. "But what about Taylor?" I asked. I don't want her to be upset about all this. Dre picked Taylor up and kissed he passionately and they both smiled."I'm good liyah... And I wanna be your best friend again ."she said while giggling because Dre was tickling her." Then yes Trez... I'll be your girlfriend!"I screamed he slipped the ring on my finger and got up and kissed me. He carried me to my room and put me on the bed. We cuddled , kissed, and talked all night . I missed my green eyed baby!
Trez's POV
I finally got Aaliyah back! Im so happy and I know Dre and Taylor happy they extra loud right now! Aaliyah's birthday is tomorow and I want to surprise my beautiful baby. After she fell asleep I slipped my arms from around her and went home to plan her birthday. My baby turning 17!!
Darrell's POV
I was gonna wait until her birthday to kidnap her but since Dre fucking that girl and that boy left I'll just do it now. I opened the windows and went into her room. She was wearing boy shorts and a tank top. Damn I missed her body. I slid my fingers into her underwear and played with her. "Stop Trez!" She said pulling my hand out and giggling. She soon went back to sleep, when she did I picked her up and put her in my truck. I Finally Got My Woman Back!

Do you think Taylor will get pregnant???!
Awww Trez is so sweet!!!!
Do y'all hate Darrell??!!

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