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3 months later...

Trez's p.o.v

Liyah is my world but its kinda hard 2 stay faithful. There's this cute girl in my science class nd she might need sum lovin...

Unknown p.o.v

Wassup my name is Mariah but call me Mimi! Trez is sexy asf but he got a girl...I've Neva liked liyah so I'll make an exception.


Trez's p.o.v

I've kinda be distant from liyah cause I've been hangin widd Mimi. Aaliyah alwayz askin questions bout where I've been nd shidd. Me nd lea-lea got 3 make a water pollution diagram so I'm headin over ha house now...

Mimi's p.o.v

I hate seein liyah widd Trez. She CNT give him all the things I can . Oh he jus pulled up ttyl !!

"Hey, come in" I commanded "oka thx" he walked in and sat on the couch. " ur house is nice " he said breakin da silence " thx"

"Um y u got on dat big coat its kinda warm in here?"he asked " well lemme take it off den" I stood up pullin down da zipper lettin my jacket hit the floor; and lettin my pink and black bra & pantie set be exposed.

He stood up and pushed mehh 2 the floor , got on top of mehh nd ripped it off bitin my body! ( oh daddy want it rough huh?! Lol)

I flipped us over and pulled off his pants shoes nd shirt nd we stared into each others eyes for a while then he kissed me .. We fought for dominance nd of course he won. He put on a condom and let me ride him. 30 mins into it....

"Trez right there" "Damn liyah " "did u jus call me liyah" um shidd I um um  um I gotta go bye" he got his clothes nd left.

Trez's p.o.v

Shidd how I'm gonna tell liyah...

Aaliyah's p.o.v

I was watchin Bye Felicia when I heard someone bangin on the door screamin my name . I ran and opened it to see trez he ran in and hugged mehh say I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to over and over again

how u think liyah gon react???

Will she forgive him??

What y'all think bout mariah she a Thot right!?

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