#60 My fault.

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Meliodas had felt horrible when he realized that the spell hadn't worked, but now he felt even worse knowing that not only had he failed King's last chance- for what he didn't know- but he also had stranded them all in a death trap that's really only two chances of escape were both very big maybes.

Hating the silence that fell between the two after his offer to help, the blond's thoughts began to drift more and more as he started to wonder why exactly Harelquin had put him on his team. After all, wouldn't he want him to be as far away from the fairy as possible? Meliodas had already accepted awhile ago that the only reason Harelquin was tolerating him was for his help, but he hadn't even been able to help in the first place, so why was he still tolerating him?

Was it because of Elaine? No... surely not. He hadn't tolerated him in the past due to her. So what was it?

It doesn't matter.. he's probably just doing this because he needs my power in combat. He said that we would all balance each other out, so that makes sense. He's just using me until he doesn't need me anymore. That's fine. As long as I can help... cause that's what I do... I help people.

Trying his best to stay positive, the blond began gathering as much firewood as he could carry to remain helpful, only stopping after about ten minutes of finding and picking dry pieces when Harelquin said something.

"I'm... sorry about earlier. I didn't leave because I was angry with you. I'm more or less just upset with the situation. I appreciate you willing to help even if it didn't work in the end... So thank you Meliodas, thank you for your efforts."

Completely shocked by the kind and sincere words the fairy spoke, he forced himself to respond regardless of the moment of being stunned and simply smiled.

"O-Of course. I wish it had actually worked, but I'm always happy to help."

The fairy didn't respond to that, seeming like he was deeply lost in thought. Thinking nothing of it at the demon didn't want to seem rude or nosy, he simply went back to work on collecting dry pieces of wood and carrying them back to the camp sight.

Going to sit down next to Elizabeth only for Escanor to quickly put his sword down there as a sign to go somewhere else, he obliged and sat down on a log by himself as most others were taken, although again, he didn't think much of it. Especially since Escanor wasn't allowed to sit down next to Elizabeth either as she switched seats with Diane when he tried. As long as she was taken care of, he didn't mind sitting by himself.

The evening started out quiet as food was being roasted, not many people talking unless to the person besides them as the air about the place was serious and grim. No one wanted to break that kind of thick wave of tension.

Still sitting alone as he snacked on some berries he found, Meliodas felt strangely at home here in the wilderness. After all, he pretty much lived in it for all of his independent life.

Although he was a bit sad that no wildlife seemed to be present. Since he had no friends for a long time and had spent years in isolation, he would always talk to the animals when he was lonely. Sure they probably had no idea what he was saying, but it made him comfortable with having conversations again.

Unaware that Harelquin had noticed his snack, he jumped when the fairy started talking to him.

"Those are blackberries. How did you know they were edible? Or better yet, how did you find them when everything here is dead?"

"Oh, well I've learned to tell apart plants by leaves and where they're growing because of where I live. And I.. kind of noticed that plants seem to appear around you. Kind of like they sense you're near."

Elaine gasped at that, a confusing reaction to the rest of the group.

"King! Father's magic! He used to be able to create and bring back plants that had died... I had suspected you would have his magic because of him being a late bloomer as well, but this is wonderful! I'm so happy for you!"

She seemed ecstatic, however the fairy wasn't as pleased. He looked worn down, as if it meant something bad rather than good.

"Maybe since your magic can bring back small parts of the forest, we can use the Channelers to amplify your magic and bring back the forest altogether!"

She was so excited and hopeful, acting more animated then even Diane had ever seen before. However that energy quickly faded when King replied, acting uncharacteristically harsh with her.

"No Elaine. We already have a plan. We weren't expecting this place to be so dangerous, and I refuse to put everyone in even more danger by trying to go on a wild goose chase with magic that is the very reason we tried in the first place for something statistically unlikely to work to begin with."

Probably realizing how rough that sounded as Harelquin's mood went from snapping to softer, he said something else much quieter as everyone obliged the remark, although Elaine didn't seem happy about it.

"Now let's just... get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow if we're going to try to get back soon."

Laying down as Meliodas observed the interaction, he started wondering why it was that King's mood kept changing so quickly and why this mysterious "something" had a part in it. He was softer and kinder one minute- the Harelquin he had heard about- and angry and cold the next.

Oh well, it wasn't like it was his place to ask. Although he didn't like seeing Elaine so clearly upset, this wasn't about him and he was nowhere near close enough to the fairy he was to spend this adventure with for it to be appropriate to ask.

Deciding to get sleep as the others were too, he took one last look at everyone and felt worry for those that would be splitting from his group and annoyance at one that would be joining his.

Ugh, couldn't he have put Escanor on the other team? Oh well, this is probably better anyway. I know how uncomfortable Elizabeth is around him and at the very least I don't have that kind of attachment to him. No promises that I won't hit him though. It's times like these that I really miss Ban... at least then I'd have someone on my team who likes me. Besides, he'd find a way to make me smile nomatter how stressful this situation is.

Smiling at the thought, he had no idea what would come ahead and how Ban truly did play into this upcoming adventure even with his absence... but he would learn.

And in doing so, all of them would be a little different after leaving.

Sorry this isn't very good! I know what the next chapter is, but this one was kind of just figuring it out as I go.. I hope you liked it!

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