#71 Waking Up.

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Meliodas woke up to find himself in a bright room with monitors powered by magic connected to him. Trying to sit up but failing from the uncomfortable pain in his stomach, memories of what had happened flooded back to him as he tried to figure out how he had awakened to begin with.

I... was dying. I passed out, I used all my magic. I should be dead right now. How am I still alive?

"Wh-What... happened...?"

Looking around and trying again to sit up slower this time, he saw the bandages wrapped around his waist and touched them hesitantly before being surprised as the door opened to reveal an assistant healer who looked back just as shocked.

"Healer! Th-The patient! He's awake!"

She scurried off and talked to someone he couldn't see in hushed whispers before they both came in, one clearly being the healer from the uniform.

"I see you've woken up. I'll admit, I wasn't sure you would considering the kind of injury you had. How are you feeling?"

"A-A little sore... and, really confused? How did I get here? Where exactly is here? Wh-What about my friends? Princess Elizabeth, Harelquin, Diane, Elaine, and Prince Escanor? He had a head injury."

"They are all fine. The prince had a minor concussion however he is resting and well. The others are all visiting him now. Also as for where you are, you are in the hospital. The Princess was seen carrying you here along with the others who were all bruised up and covered in minor scrapes. Everyone was taken care of themselves after we took care of you and stabilized you. It's lucky your weapon was only cracked. If it had shattered you would've been killed instantly. Although I'm shocked your magic held out even after you were unconscious"

What? But that's impossible. That's never happened before and I felt it start to drain. I definitely didn't have enough to get back. Which, how even did we? Was there a way out after all? Did the girls find a way? Oh no! Where is Sy!? I remember him growling at other me but he never attacked. I wonder if he could smell if we were the same person and couldn't bring himself to attack. Oh goddesses, other me! How did we escape! I have so many questions!

Unable to think straight as Meliodas's head swam with questions, all he could do was sit as healers ran some tests to see if he was really okay. All the while continuing to wonder abouy the events while he waited patiently for them to give him the okay to see his friends waiting outside the room.

Two hours passed of blood tests, wound checks, and head scans before he was taken back to the room he had woken up in and allowed to see his friends.
Who burst in as soon as they were given the okay.

Diane was crying and immediately tackled him in a hug as Elaine followed, something that hurt pretty badly with his wounds, but he didn't mind. It was a minute or two before they calmed down and the others all waited for the moment before saying their own hellos.

"We're glad you're okay Meliodas. You gave us quite the scare."

Harlequin was looking at him with no contempt or hatred at all, even after their fight. Just relief, happiness, fondess, and.. regret? Why was that hidden in the fairy's eyes?

"Y-Yeah. We were all so worried you wouldn't make it! Especially after hearing the scream you let out when that bastard broke your shield. It was horrible.."

Diane still had tears in her eyes while Meliodas smiled softly at the giant who was so worried about him. He almost saw her as a big sister of sorts by the way she treated him.

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