#90 Being Social.

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Okay, so this next part is going to seem a little awkward/rushed, however I was planning on having some stuff with Meliodas and Harlequin, but it didn't work out because I'm trying to keep the book at around 100 to 110 chapters and that would delay it quite a bit, so just bare with me please!

Meliodas tried his best to do as Harelquin asked and be more social. He got out of the spare room more, limited flights with Syrus until after everyone was already in bed, and even tried his best to make small talk. Although it definitely awkward at first.

Conversations stalled and resorted to weather and he would stand around weirdly to try to see if conversation would be appropriate at that exact time- usually ending in him losing his nerve and conversation never happening- though even with all of this happening and the unbearable awkwardness, Elaine and King were always very welcoming and never shut him out. It truly did help him a lot with getting out of his own head. Although... maybe he needed to be more in his head. Because if he was, he probably would've figured out who was doing this much sooner.

And not in a way that would hurt as badly as it did.

Before he knew it, a week had passed, and his socialness and mood had slowly but surely climbed back up again thanks to his friends. However even with his mind in a much less depressed state, he was definitely still not looking foward to going back to school full of kids that despised him and teachers with even more fuel to hate him.

But alas, nothing could be done. He had done what he had done, and all he could do now is repent and give a much needed apology to Escanor...

That bit of guilt ate at him almost as much as accidently hitting King. He may not have liked Escanor, but the two had finally managed to tolerate and understand each other, and then out of no where Meliodas proved every insult the hero gave him right.

He had no idea what he would've done if Harlequin hadn't had stepped in....

It gave him shivers just thinking about it.

"You fully packed Meli?"

"Yeah, thanks for letting me borrow some of your things Elaine."

"No problem, most of are spares anyway. I have to get going, are you sure you don't need a ride? This area is a little different than what you're used to."

"Yes, I'll be fine. Thank you though."

"Okay, I'll see you after school!"

She ran off with her brother right behind her as he waited for them to leave before doing the next thing.

It's okay... It's just shadow jumping. You've done it a million times before. Sure when I was a kid... but still! I need to get used to using this until I find the quicker routes again. Just breath deep, think of the shadow I want to come out of... JUMP!

He closed his eyes and prepared for the worst as he felt the shadows surround him quickly.

Stay calm stay calm stay calm.

Popping up just outside of school under the stairs, a big grin made its way onto his face at knowing he had done it successfully.

I did it! I used my magic without it being a dire circumstance or ending horribly! Maybe I really do have this under control.

Yes! He's finally starting to use his magic again. Although I was hoping he'd stay a bit more isolated from his friends, but I can make do. I think a reveal is due soon.. Then I can properly see my son again. However, before I get ahead of myself, I have a little job for Elizabeth.

"What!? No! I can't do that!"

Those were the words Meliodas heard that initially got his attention after class. Anyone saying that may have been a pause, but not a concern.

However when Elizabeth was the one saying it, it made him turn in the voice's direction to find out why.

"Oh? You're telling me no? I'd think wisely about that."

He knew that voice, it was Damien. Now the concern had turned into alarm. Was she being threatened by him? Was he going to hurt her?

He needed to make sure she was okay, and maybe even figure out what was going on by doing so.

Using shadow jump again and following her voice through the dark tunnles, he reappeared a few feet from where they stood, his heart leaping at seeing his grip on her hand.

"Damien, let go of her."

A twitch of a grin formed on the teen's face that added to Meliodas's unease.

"Meliodas! How nice of you to show up. Playing hero are you? That's not very fitting for someone with your fate."

The blond was shaking now, he didn't know why, but the way Damien spoke and behaved at the moment reminded him of something. Something evil that scared him. Still though, he stood his ground against the words. After all, Elizabeth was in trouble from the looks of it.

"I-I'm fine Meli, please just go."

He blinked. She was pushing him away? Why? Clearly something wasn't right with this picture! Why wasn't she letting him help?

"Ellie, I'm not just gonna leave you here while he's messing with you! Especially after what you did.."

His voice turned angry as he addressed Damien. He was pretty confident in his conclusion about the fire, and if he was wrong then at the very least, he was pissed over what was happening now.

"Oh, you mean the little fire incident? I'm honestly impressed with how quickly you figured it out. All it took was one little spark and poof! All of it went into flames. Whoops!"

A smirk formed on the monster's face as Meliodas paled. It looked so familiar. Where had he seen that look before? Why did it make every muscle in his body tense in fear?

Damien walked away from Elizabeth as his interest changed, and as he walked up to the blond frozen to his spot, he whispered two little sentences that destroyed Meliodas with their meaning.

"Completely frozen in fear are you? It reminds me of old times, don't you remember, the room we spent so much time in?"

Hope you like the chapter! Abrupt ending, but it makes it easier to pick up again. (3

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