#14 Building Respect

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King had seen the whole thing play out. Elaine getting caught on the bushes, Meliodas risking his own wellbeing to save her, and how he even went as far as to make sure she was okay instead of correcting everyone's foolish praise and cheer for Elizabeth who hadn't been the one responsible for his sister's safety.

The only question playing in his mind was... why? Why had the boy done it? Why had he saved his sister when it risked his own wellbeing? Why had he saved the sister of the one that had treated him so poorly? And without a second thought?

He had always been so overly cautious with Elaine because of her fate that he was trying to avoid, so when he saw her about to be crushed by the stones... he felt like he might too die along with her.

Everything stopped except for the mind numbing fear of knowing that his sister might be gone. That she might have... died.

Even now the thought sent shivers down his spine. He had followed the two to the nurses office so he could make sure his sibling was alright, but the fairy stopped moving when he heard Elaine say something quietly.

"You... really are like us... aren't you?"

Harlequin felt a bit of confusion at her words before it clicked and he paled.

"You don't want the fate you have either... You're just like me and my brother."

Meliodas looked shocked by her words just as King was, but he luckily didn't push the matter, instead taking her to the nurse to be treated before walking off, leaving the fairy to consider Elaine's words further.

Could that be true? Does he really not want his fate? There have been rumors that he didn't sign, but I thought that was all that they were. Surely it's just Elaine seeing the good in him... he's not actually like us... how could a demon like him be like us? But... what if he is...?

Meliodas had noticed how King had been even more hostile towards him lately. He didn't bully anymore, but he still glared and even made a point to leave the room whenever Meliodas entered.

He hadn't thought he had done anything wrong, although he was aure rumors had spread about him "putting his hands on Elaine when she was vulnerable" it disgusted him to think that people hated him so much that they would believe something like that. He just hoped that King wasn't in that list since he would probably kill the blond.

Deciding not to focus on those depressing speculations, he instead thought about Ban. Ban was meeting with him later today so they could head over to the coffee place his pal had mentioned.

He was excited that they were finally going, and was definitely looking foward to a break from the glares and constant whispers floating around.

Walking towards the white haired man standing at the door waiting for him, he smiled as he saw the other come into closer view.

It felt like so long since the two got together to chat when in reality it had only been a week. A long week, but still.

"Heya Mel! Been awhile huh. No canceling today?"

"Nope! Not today. Nothing's stopping me from eating that bread you were talking about."

The teen chuckled and ruffled the blond's hair before they two prepared to leave school, only for a voice that thr boy definitely didn't expect to call for him.

Ban scowled as soon as the fairy came into sight and tensed, showing that he definitely shouldn't try anything. However the boy didn't seem phased and turned his attention to Meliodas. Who in turn felt nervousness at the unreadable look on his face.



The boy scowled before letting out a frustrated sigh.

"If you're gonna give him another one of your lectures about things that have nothing to do with him you can leave."

The fairy was clearly annoyed by this and planned to retort but before he could Meliodas stepped in.

"It's okay Ban, you can go. I'll deal with this. I'll meet you at the Cafe, kay?"

Ban clearly didn't like this answer, but sighed before asking one last thing.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?"

He smiled at the hesitant teen.

"I'll be fine! Go on ahead. I'll try to be there shortly."

With a final glare at the fairy and an uncertain look at Meliodas, he left the two alone while Meliodas awaited whatever fight was about to happen.

"S-So um... wh-what were you wanting to talk to me about?"

The nervousness was clear in the boy's voice and Harlequin sighed when hearing it. His tone firm but not necessarily harsh as he responded.

"I still don't trust you, and I'll admit that your odd behavior puzzles me but.... I do appreciate what you did for my sister. I saw that you saved her and I'll admit that my treatment towards you may have been a bit... unfair. You haven't done anything to directly hurt me or my sister and as long as it stays that way, I'll treat you the same as most. Although that doesn't mean I'm not gonna keep an eye on you."

Meliodas was shocked by what the fairy was saying but as he began to process, he felt a small smile come onto his face as someone he feared terribly was acknowledging he wasn't the monster everyone thought.

"Don't expect us to get all buddy buddy now though! And stay away from my sister, got it!? I don't want her getting caught up in anything because of you."

The blond nodded his agreement, a smile still on his face.

The two exchanged goodbyes as Meliodas walked to the cafe Ban had given him directions for. He was still smiling brightly, feeling happier then he had in awhile.

Making his way inside the place filled with the smell of coffee and bread, he walked over to Ban who was ready to bombard him with questions.

"Did that bastard hurt you? He better not have said any of the crap he usually does. I'll kick his ass if he did. I swear to- Why are you smiling?"

His smile grew even more as he thought of the events that had played.

"I'm just.... really happy to have someone else look at me for who I am rather than who I should be."

Ban was of course confused, but didn't really push the matter as the two ate in comfortable conversation.

It was late by the time Meliodas got back home and Ban insisted he walked him there. Ever since he had heard about the teachers treating Mel badly he had started getting more protective. Not that the blond minded. He knew it was his friend's way of caring.

Putting his leftovers in the fridge and heading to bed for the night, he said his goodnight to his "brothers" before drifting off once more. For the first time in a very long time... sleeping without any nightmares.

I might put out another chapter today but I'm not sure. It might be tomorrow. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter! (3

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