Wanda maximoff

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Th- brother why are you so excited today
L- my best friend is joining the avengers
N- you know the new recruit
L- you do too quite well actually
N- I do?
L- you will see, she hates you
T- why does the new recruit hate Nat
L- she broke a promise
fury walks in
F- avengers this is your new recruit.. y/n romanoff
F- oh I forgot to mention that she survived the red room
All- you have a sister
N- two actually
You walk into the meeting room
L- y/n/n!
You smile and run and hug him
You whisper in his ear
U- I missed you
L- I missed you too
F- well I'll let you settle in
N- y/n?
You glare at her
N- you still can't be acting as you can't talk
L- she can talk but she doesn't want to and she especially doesn't want to talk to you
C- is she the person who stopped your reign of terror
You nod
N- I-I thought-t you d-died
You rolled your eyes
W- so do you have powers, you were trained in the red room so you are as good as Nat in hand to hand combat but do you have powers, if so what are they
N- she doesn't have powers the red room doesn't do that to us
you super speed
N- since when did you do that
U- *sign language* why do you care
All- what?
L- she says why do you care
N- cause you're my little sister y/n of course I care about you and how that happened
You roll your eyes
U- *sign language* where is my room
N- I'll show you
You shake your head no
L- I'll show you darling, Nat I think it's best if you leave her alone she still hates you for what you did
All- what did you do
N- short story I left her and blamed it on her and thats all your getting out of me and like you can get anything out of y/n she's practically mute
W- why doesn't she talk
N- one reason is she has or had a stutter and she was embarrassed for it and back in Russia she was scared to say the wrong thing and die or get t0rtured
W- oh they why do you talk you went through the same thing
N- they preferred me than y/n even tho y/n is better than me, she went through everything worse
T- someone better than you at hand to hand combat I can't believe it
You and loki walk back into the room laughing and you looked up at everyone in the room and you immediately stopped laughing
Th- so brother what have you done to make lady y/n talk
L- I saved her she saved me, I saved her and helped her destroy the red room and she stopped me and saved me from going into a evil hole I wouldn't of got out of, we gained each other's trust and never second thought it, she's like a sister
You nod in agreement
N- you took down the red room
U- *sign language* yeh I had a god and other red room agents who hated them as much as I did so it was easier to destroy it
B- what did she say
L- along the lines of she had a god and other red room agents who hated the red room and we destroyed them
N- I should of been there
U- *sign language* well it wasn't the first time you didn't show up when I needed you so the disappointment feeling felt less and less like disappointment and more like a normal thing
N- y/n don't say that
L- it's true tho nat
N- loki you better shut up before I beat your ass
You stand in front of loki as like your defending and protecting him
L- see Natalia I wouldn't do that cause I have the one person who can beat you in a fight and the one person in this room who has an emotional connection too and I'm a god so you wouldn't win
U- *sign language* loki that's enough and where are pop tarts
Loki laughs
L- I will stop and Thor can you get y/n some pop tarts are it's her favourite
Th- of course I'll be back in a minute
He leaves and comes back with a range of pop tarts for him and you and then you smile thanking him
Th- no problem lady y/n
L- you two are like twins y/n u better not drop me for him
U- *sign language* never ur my number 1
L- good you are to me
You smile
N- you both better not be dating
L- ewww no
You gagged in disgust and shook your head
S- well that's a no
L- even if we aren't like brother and sister she's as gay as they come so I wouldn't even have a chance
You slapped him on the back of his head
L- shit sorry you don't like being outed
You roll your eyes and you whisper in Loki's ear
U- I-I don't c-care it's f-fine
L- are you sure
You nod
S- so she does speak even tho we didn't hear
You death stare Steve
S- right never mess with a romanoff
N- you just realised that
L- so y/n how's ur girlfriend
N- u are dating someone?!
You roll your eyes at Natasha
U- *sign language* we broke up a while back cause she thought I was a freak with powers, an ex assassin, and never speaks
L+N- I'm gonna kill her
U- *sign language* no you are not i can handle my self and it's my fault dating someone like her
L- how bout ur other ex why did you break up with her
U- *sign language* you know why
L- right forgot
a few hours later, you have grown a liking to Wanda and your still reserved from everyone else
L- so y/n movie night
You smile and nod
T- we are actually having a party and you have to go cause it's for you
You look at loki
L- stark she hates parties
T- she hasn't been to one of mine
L- it doesn't matter who's it is stark she hates them
T- ok ok fine how bout this you will go to this party and any other parties later on you don't have to go do we have a deal
You nod and shake his hand
T- it's in 2 hours so everyone get ready
L- come on y/n I'll help u get ready
They all look at loki weird
L- I'll help her pick an outfit and she changes in the bathroom then vice Versa
All- oh ok
You all get changed and you walk in fashionably late and Wanda looks at you
W- wow you look amazing
U- t-thanks s-so do y-you
W- you have a beautiful voice you should speak more
U- t-thank y-you but I-I'll s-stick to not s-speaking
W- then why are you speaking to me
U- y-you seem d-different, I-I find it i-intriguing and you're my f-favourite s-so far, a-apart from loki
W- I'll take that as a compliment, hopefully we will become good friends
U- m-me t-too
You both smile and you head over to loki and Wanda walks over to the other avengers
T- so you got the new girl to speak
W- I guess I did
N- how she never speaks
W- she says I'm different from you all, she finds it intriguing and I'm her favourite minus loki
All- ouch
N- i haven't heard her voice since she was 6 does she still stutter
W- yes she does
You and loki walk over to them
L- hey guys
You wave
Pp- hey do you all wanna play t or d
U- *sign language* sure Parker
Pp- *sign language* hey I don't wanna be rude but why don't you talk
U- *sign language* lets just say my past and insecurities
Pp- *sign language* ok I'm here to talk if you need
U- *sign language* thanks spidey
he smiles
Pp- *sign language* I like the Nick name do u have one for anyone else
You nod
Pp- what are they
U- *sign language* well I haven't called them it but Wanda=witchy tony=tin man Thor=pop tart u=spidey loki=dipsy(green teletubby) Steve- grandpa or popsicle banner- greeny Clint- bird boy Natasha=backstabbing bitch
Pp- why that name for Natasha
U- *sign language* my past with her
Pp- ok, some of them are funny and cute then one rude one
U- *sign language* thanks kid
L- Y/n you did not just call me the green teletubby
You nod smiling
W- what are the names for us
L- Wanda is witchy, stark is Tin man, Peter is spidey, Thor is pop tart, I'm dipsy, Steve is grandpa or popsicle, banner is greeny Clint is bird boy and Natasha is... backstabbing bitch
W- i like Mine
You smile at her
N- I don't
L- well that's your fault
T- kid you know sign language
Pp- yeh I used to have a bad stutter so until I got speech therapy I used sign language to talk
U- *sign language* me too
Pp-*sign language* oh so that is your insecurity
You nod
Pp- you don't have to be you know
U- *sign language* I know but I'm used to it
Pp- ok so t or d then
All- sure
T- Wanda t or d
W- truth
T- are you dating anyone if not would you date anyone here
W- I'm not dating anyone and one of you I would like to date
Th- it's obviously me
W- I would rather die
You laugh quietly and Wanda notices
W- you can laugh y/n you don't have to be quiet
You shake your head no
W- y/n t or d
U- *sign language* dare
L- she said dare
N- I've got one kiss the most attractive person here
U- *sign language* how do I kiss myself
L- stop being snobby
You walk over to Wanda a kiss her
L- ooo y/n has a crush
U- *sign language* nat is my sister so it was out of Maria and Wanda, there isn't much of an option
L- you have a point
U- *sign language* of course I do it's me
T- you know we don't know what you are saying
L- she knows
You see a hydra spy in the party you superspeed over and you start fighting him
N- who is she fighting
W- hydra agent
HA- y/n romanoff we want you back they have given me powers to beat you
U- *quietly* n-not gonna h-happen
HA- what did we say about talking!
U- *quietly* n-not to
HA- exactly
You continue on fighting then you knock him out and take him to a cell then walk back into the party
L- they have come back for you haven't they
You nod
U- *sign language* I have to leave
L+Pp- you're not leaving
U- *sign* I have to protect you all I'm leaving
You walk to your room and start packing, then Wanda walks in
W- y/n pls don't leave we will protect you I will protect you
U- s-sorry witchy I-I h-have to
W- I'll protect you we have dealt with hydra, I was in hydra as well they still want me but I have the avengers to protect me, you have them and me and loki even your sister so pls stay
U- I-I d-don't want t-to p-put you all I-in more d-danger then you a-are a-already in
W- we are avengers we are in danger everyday hydra has been after before you and me so you can stay please
U- I-I h-have to go
W- y/n pls it wouldn't be the same without u
U- I-I've only b-been here f-for a d-day
W- but you have made the job so much better and interesting it wouldn't be the same and I've grown very fond of you
U- ...
W- please stay for me
You finish packing your bags and you start to head out but Wanda stands infront of you
W- please don't go I'm begging you
U- I-I dont g-get why you c-care so much
W- cause for 2 reasons it nice to have another girl here there is too much testosterone here
You laugh a little
U- a-and the o-other r-reason
W- lets just say I've quickly grown fond of you and I feel like I need you here to keep you safe and I've always wanted another reason to prank Natasha with Parker
U- I-I'll stay b-but if I-it g-gets outta h-hand I will l-leave and I-I've a-also be-become f-fond of you t-too
W- great and you have?
U- v-very much s-so
She hugs you tightly and you stand there awkwardly but then you hug
W- I'm happy that your staying and I'm sorry for hugging you i felt that u felt it was awkward and uncomfortable
U- I-it's fine I-I'm j-just not u-used to p-people hugging m-me it w-was n-nice
W- well get used to it cause your stuck with me
U- W-wouldn't h-have it a-any other W-way
You smile
W- lets go back
U- I d-don't fancy g-going back
W- oh ok..
U- umm.. I-if u W-want you can s-stay a-and watch a m-movie, y-you dont h-have to—
W- I'd love to
she smiles, you both get changed, Wanda borrows your clothes and you both lay on your bed
W- what movie would you like to watch
U- *sign* up to you
W- I can't read sign sorry
U- s-sorry... I s-said up t-to you
W- ok we can put wizard of Oz it's a musical
U- ok
She puts it on
W- can you teach me sign language some time
U- s-sure
W- great I just want to understand you when you aren't talking
U- me too I-it means I-I can t-talk to y-you more
W- I'd like that
You start getting tired and slowly cuddling up to Wanda. You look up at the same time wanda was going to kiss your forehead before paying attention to the movie and you end up kissing each other
W- I-I'm so sorry
U- it's fine don't w-worry about it
W- its not fine I should of never kissed you without you wanting me too...
She starts rambling and you cut her off by kissing her to shut her up
W- huh W-what??
U- W-who said t-that I didn't w-want to
W- huh?
U- I-I know it's o-only b-been a c-couple of d-days but I l-like y-you a-and I n-never d-do this bu—
Wanda kisses you
W- glad you feel the same
U- you're not joking around to m-make fun of me are you
W-never so will you clear you schedule tomorow to go on a date with me
U- I'd be stupid not to
W- so that's a yes?
U- yes
W- great! .... And I don't want to point anything out to make you uncomfortable but I'm proud that you were stuttering less, I love your stutter but it's great that you're getting more comfortable with your own voice
U- me too
You kiss her cheek and fall asleep and soon after she does too.
After the party Loki goes to your room and sees you and Wanda cuddled up asleep. He smiles cause he doesn't think he's seen you so happy then he closes the door and he is greeted by Natasha
N- what are you smiling at
L- just y/n looking at her happiest when she's with Wanda
N- she's with Wanda?
L- yeh they are cuddled up with each other which surprises me that she's trusted Wanda so quickly and she's letting her touch her, she's always flinches a lot when people go near her
Natasha opens the door and sees that you look peaceful and happy which she hasn't seen that since you were with her and yelena in Ohio before the red room then she closes the door
N- how is she Loki
L- in a lot of pain, a lot from the red room but you hurt her the most by doing what you did but even in a short amount of time wanda has made her happier than I've ever have or you and yelena for that matter
N- I really broke her didn't I
L- more than you know daughter of dreykov (sorry if it's spelt wrong)
N- never say his name again
L- I won't at least not in front of y/n... night romanoff
N- bye Loki

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