Alex Danvers/Lexie Grey

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Before the plane crash
you whistle
Ap- why did y/n whistle she never does that
M- she doesn't it all the time
AK- but why does she do it
M- it's a thing y/n and Lexie do just watch
Lexie whistles back, walks up to you and hugs you
J- that's cute they do that
M- yeh they do just to make sure they are ok, they miss each other, and to see where each other are they've done it for years
C- babies
M- Cristina
C- what it's pathetic
M- they've done it since they were interns and they will always do it
C- whatever I've got a surgery to get to bye mer... evil spawn
Cristina walks off
Ap- so me and Jackson don't say a goodbye now?
J- guess not
With you and Lexie
U- how was your surgery
L- it was great Me and Derek took out the whole tumor with one complication but it was fixed
U- that's amazing Lexie soon you'll be the best neurosurgeon there is
L- hopefully but now I have to get on that plane and I'll see tou soon
U- see you soon call me when you land
L- will do
She leaves
After the plane crash at Lexie's funeral
You walk up to her gravestone, put your head on it and whistle one last time but this time with no response. The rest of the doctors see that and start crying as they know it's what you always did
M- it's ok
U- how is it ok? I've lost my best friend, my girlfriend the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, your sister! How is it ok
M- y/n—
U- mer leave it ok!... bye Lexie see you when I'm dead I'm sorry I couldn't save you
You walk away and drive to your house not even bothering to come to the wake and you cry yourself to sleep seeing your Home Screen photo of you and Lexie
Skip 3 years now in national city
You have stopped being a doctor for a while and went into your other qualification journalism. You are a journalist at CATCO Worldwide Media, you have been there for a couple of months now, you tried to continue being a doctor but you couldn't do it without lexie. Your desk is next to your best friend Kara Danvers. She walks away and comes back with someone
K- y/n there's someone I'd like tou to meet
You look up
K- y/n this is my sister—
U- Lexie?
K- This is Alex my sister
U- sorry you really look like someone who i love who died 3 years ago
Alex- don't apologise it's ok I'm Alex Danvers nice to meet you
U- likewise I'm y/n y/l/n
Alex- you're new what did you do before
U- I was a surgeon at Seattle grace-mercy west hospital but left a while back as it was too hard to be there without her
Alex- I get that I left somewhere and i hated the fact that I left them
U- I guess we have shit luck
Alex- I guess so, I have to go bye y/n
U- bye Alex
She starts to walk away then she whistles and you subconsciously whistle back
U- Lexie?!
You stand up and she runs into your arms
L/Alex- it's really you
U- I should be saying that to you you're the one who died, how did you survive that
L/Alex- I'm friends with supergirl who saved me
U- why didn't you come back... why didn't you come back to me?
L/Alex- I couldnt, I want to have a life with you but I couldn't I had to stay here and become an government agent and be with Kara
U- I don't care just as long as you're here now
L/Alex- so your not mad
U- more upset than mad I thought I lost you for forever
L/Alex- I know I'm sorry, I'm so happy to see you again
U- me too you have no idea
K- umm Alex why is she calling you lexie
A- because that's my name
K- how do you know her
U- she's my dead girlfriend... well not so dead anymore. Does mer know you're alive
L/Alex- no and you can't tell her as much as I miss my sister, Jackson, hell even Cristina they can't know I'm alive at least not yet
U- ok ok I won't tell them
L/Alex- did you really stop being a doctor because of me
U- it was one of the reasons... the other was after a month of the plane crash people started to constantly hit on me and I could handle it for the first couple of years but then there was someone who constantly couldn't take the hint and I couldn't be in the same hospital as him anymore and you knew I did my degree in journalism as well as medical school cause I was bored so I perused this and moved to CATCO as I didn't want to be the employee of the daily planet then—
Lexie kisses you And you hesitantly pull away
U- what was that for
L/Alex- for you to stop talking and I really wanted to kiss you I missed it
U- me too more than you know
L/Alex- wanna get out of here... when I moved here there was this place I found and I immediately thought of you so wanna go
U- how can I say no to you
L/Alex- lets go
She grabs your hand and drags you out of CATCO and you keep staring at her
L/Alex- stop staring it's creepy
U- I'm sorry it's just you're beautiful and I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you're alive
L/Alex- well I'm very much alive
She kisses you
U- and I couldn't be happier

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