Gina linetti part 3

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You and Gina walk into the bullpen at the same time and you see everyone staring at you
U- what?
G- stop staring bitches
A- why did you and Gina leave the party early
G- they were treating drunk me as an experiment and y/n being y/n she made them fell dumb and got me out of there
H- morning detectives and Gina, Gina I do apologise about my husbands colleagues they were just being them which ended way out of proportion
G- its whatever
H- what's the update on your case Peralta
J- got evidence almost cracked
H- good progress peralta, Diaz update on your murder case
R- need more time sir
H- get detective y/l/n to help it seems you don't get angry at her as much
R- I DONT get angry
G- ok this is boring dismissed
U- Hun you can't dismiss us
You laugh and shake your head and leave with the rest
U- Gina just so that u know Rosa knows
G- what how
U- you shouted that's my wife back off at her at the captains party
G- oh least she knows your mine
U- yep and you can come out whenever your ready just cause Diaz knows doesn't mean everyone has to take your time
G- thank you I do appreciate it
U- it's fine now I have to help Diaz so I got to go love you
G- love you too and remember we have date night tonight
U- I could never forget
R- y/l/n let's go
U- bye
You and Rosa go to the crime scene and start investigating
R- so how did you meet Gina
U- well... we have been friends since we were kids but drifted apart when I moved away then years later at a club she took my arm, I don't know how it happened she took my arm and said 'don't you dare look back just keep your eyes on me' I said 'you're holding back' she said 'shut up and dance with me' and at the end of the song which was ironically saying what we did she was drunk ish so was I we ended up making out in the middle of the dance floor and she slipped her address and number on a piece of paper, when we met each other again we realised who we were and the rest is history
R- that sounds like Gina, why don't you tell anyone that you are married
U- she's insecure
R- Ha Gina insecure I can't believe it
U- no she is cause the first group of people she was close to and came out they all rejected her and hated her, she knows that you all accept you and holt but since then she has been frightened to be treated like that, it's one of the reasons she acts the way she does as well as that's her personality
R- oh... well let Gina know that her secret is safe with me and congrats on the wedding
U- thanks Rosa
R- now stop talking personal stuff and finish the case
U- couldn't agree more
You both gather all the evidence and you head back to the precinct, once the elevator door opens you and Rosa see a man holding a gun to Ginas head. You both slowly walk over with your hands in the air
You and Rosa drop your guns
Man- you put my brothers in jail all of you! You will pay for that starting with her
U- dont!
Man- what?
U- dont start with her, she's not a cop she is a civilian, she had nothing to do with putting away your brothers so there's no reason to hurt her.... If you really want to get justice how bout you let me and Gina switch places cause I'm the one you really want
Man- and why's that
U- you're apart of the Torres crime family right
Man- yes
U- I'm the cop who single handedly took down your family so let her go and take me Gina has nothing to do with this and neither have they
G- y/n please
U- I'm sorry my love but it's the only way to keep you safe
G- babe please I can't loose you I've almost lost you too many times now
U- I have too I'll be fine
Man- slowly walk towards me and I'll let your precious girlfriend go
U- ok ok
G- wife get it right dingus!
U- Gina love not the time
Man- keep your hands where I can see them
You walk over there and he chucks Gina to you
G- please find a way so I don't loose you please
U- You know all I've ever done is try and protect you I'm not letting you die where I could have a say about it
You kiss her
Man- get off your wife now!
You pull away from Gina and walk over to the man and he puts the gun to your head
Man- you know everyone are usually shitting themselves right now
U- well I'm not everyone... and you Torres' are really really stupid I mean how many times does your family want me to say goodbye to my wife then kill me and I'm always the last person standing
Man- what are you talking about
U- what you mean that you don't know how stupid you are or you don't know why I'm not even fazed about having a gun to my head
Man- you really don't know when to shut up do you
U- and you really are that stupid that you didn't think I have more than one weapon and neither does detective Diaz
Man- I can still kill you
U- yeh no you won't
You elbowed him in the stomach the gave him an uppercut, took out his legs then in armed him
U- Sam Torres you are under arrest for police assault and attempted murder along with the crimes of your family, you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have the right to an attorney if you can't afford and attorney once will be provided for you...
You cuff him and put him in holding, once you done that Gina ran up and hugged you
G- bitch never do that again
U- no promises
G- I'm so glad you're ok
U- I should be saying that to you did he hurt you I swear if he—
G- I'm fine I got hit by a bus I'm fine and please say he's the last of the family
U- I believe so so there shouldn't be anymore close calls and sad goodbyes from them anymore
G- ok I'm glad
She kisses you
G- never do that again I mean it
U- you could of died Gina I would of done anything to make sure that doesn't happen including doing what I did today
A- so you're her wife?!
G- why do you sound surprised
A- cause none of us knew that you are
G- apart of the LGBTQ+? Yeah I know you didn't the only people here before today knew that we were married was Jake, Rosa and captain holt
B- how does Rosa know
U- at the party Gina screamed something like back off this is my wife cause she was drunk and we left, and before you asked captain holt knew cause he was Kevin's plus one and we didn't know that cause we only knew him as the creepy gay guy at our wedding
H- well least you know I was there for a reason detective and how did you know who he was
U- he's the last of the crime family I've been investigating ive put away all of them apart from him it's been bugging me for years
H- well taking down a whole crime family solo is beyond impressive and are you two both ok cause that was traumatic to have a gun to your head
G- meh we are used to it
All- what?!
U- oh yeh most of the family tried to kill Gina and myself but they do the same move every time it got easier to catch them and more normal and less traumatic to have a gun to your head
B- well on a brighter note I can officially say my ship has sailed
U- sorry what?
B- you two have had love eyes at each other since you got here it was only a matter of time but I'm quite upset that you Gina didn't invite us to the wedding
G- cause I didn't want to come out to you all I only did today cause I thought he was the smartest Torres as he was the last one standing and could more likely kill my wife as he had an audience of cops to do so... now date night
U- please this day has been a rollercoaster
G- you can say that again
U- so it's the end of our shift wanna go home and get ready
G- yep sounds great we need this to celebrate you finally taking down the whole crime family
U- ok let's go... bye guys
G- bye bitches
You and Gina walk away

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