🦋 구_1.9 🦋

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* nine
: ̗̀➛ fired

warning, this episode kinda sucks, feel free to skip the part after the last butterfly, it might be traumatizing

Hyunjin was devastated, completely. After finding out, that they can't bring a charge against Yang Jeongin, made him go absolutely insane. He was shouting, and crying, while Jeongin was leaving the place with a smile.

"Hyunjin-ah. You need to calm down." Chan said. "Behaving this way won't solve anything. You can ask a restraining order if you'd like, but–"

"Yes! I obviously would like one! How come I not think about this before?!" He laughed maniacally, and left, clinging into Felix's arm. Yeji left even before them, because she got an urgent call from the hospital. Someone got hit by a bus, the chances of them surviving are low, — the woman quoted her boss before leaving.

"What. The fuck. Did I witness here?" Yeonjun started speaking after a while of silence.

"You're asking the wrong person." Changbin flinched.

"By the way, where are the others?" Chan changed the topic quickly. "Like Wooyoung, and stuff?"

"Oh, um, they went out for a coffee, I think. I'm not sure." Yeonjun replied.


"Like half an hour ago."

"Half an hour ago?" Changbin repeated. "What takes them so long? Channie, can you go and whoop their asses, I need to tell Ji what happened on the interview."

Chan nodded. He didn't know if it was the nickname, or the jealousy that had blocked his speaking abilities so suddenly. Of course, he was jealous. Because Han Jisung was just so perfect for his Binnie. He is handsome, and talented, has a good sense of fashion, he is kind, and generous, although he might not look like it sometimes. Chan slowly realized, that Han Jisung was everything he thought he wasn't.

"Um. He's gone." Yeonjun interrupted his stargazing. Who was I daydreaming about at this point? — he thought to himself, while scratching his head.

He soon came back to reality, and hurried out to see his two colleagues sitting on the floor, beside three excited kids and a captain.

"Yah, Hongjoong hyung. Did you open a nursery school?" Hyunjin joked before leaving with his... with his Felix.

"Hahaha. Really funny." He fake laughed, while caressing Mingi and Wooyoung's backs. Wooyoung stared at him with his eyes being needy for affection.

"Gotta go now!" Hyunjin shouted in the void, as he dragged Felix with himself, but no one replied, or even seemed to notice.

"Woah. Do that again!" Wooyoung pleaded Hongjoong.

Hongjoong giggled. "Come here, baby! Yeosang doesn't do this to you?" He gave a look to Yeosang. "Oh, can I?"

"Why are you asking me? Not like he's my property." Yeosang replied a bit too harshly. But, just the way he saw Hongjoong taking care of Wooyoung, and cuddling him like that, made his blood boil. Also, if he would've disagreed, Wooyoung would've been either mad, or very flattered by that silly little thought in his mind, that the elder has those types of feelings for him, which he has not.

The vision of the group taking seats on the cold, dirty ground, reminded Chan of a wandering tribe. Little does this tribe know, that the way they are currently sitting, made the BAU chief remember all those obscure nights he spent sitting on the same ground, and eating instant noodles made with cold water with this one person he liked while waiting for the electricity in the building to finally come back. As he zoned out, everything disappeared around him.

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