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Everyone took their seats and the greasy ass man stood in the front. He looked so bored and so restless. Poor dude probably had insomnia or something like that. He looked them dead in the eye.
"We have a new student." He said. "Introduce yourself quickly so we can get on with the day." Y/N suddenly became aware of the several pairs of eyes on them, the cold sweat on their back and their rapidly tapping foot.
"Uhm... okay..." they mumbled. They stood from their chair and looked at the multiple people staring at them. "Hi, I'm Y/N, a late acceptant... uhh, I... Don't know what else to say, so..." They forced a little chuckle before sitting back down. It was far too awkward to want to exist at all. The class staring at them up inside and turned the originally cold sweat on them to turn hot. If the teacher didn't start talking or something, they were probably going to die, or something like that. And right when they needed it most, their savior in the form of a massive golden rabbit, burst through the door.
"I AM HERE!!" All Might shouted. The class looked at him, excited to see him. They weren happy too, never having seen All Might before, aside from on tv and all sorts of merchandise. But they didn't exactly have the same level of excitement as the rest of the class. They remembered what their moms said about heroes like All Might and about the spotlight of being a hero. 'Once you're seen as a hero, you can't just go hide as if you're a normal person again.' They knew Mama was right, they knew they wouldn't be left alone if they made it big. The media, fans, villains, everyone, would relentlessly hunt you until you're drained of everything. Yeah, it was an honor to meet All Might, but you can't exactly be like him without getting stared at 24/7. The shadow child tuned back into class rather quickly when the two started explaining that it was a training day. They described it as basic skill training and a one on one battle royal. It sounded easy but without knowing anyone's quirks, Y/N immediately felt they'd lose in the first round.
"Get on your pe uniforms and meet us outside, Y/N, stay behind so you can get your uniform." The homeroom teacher, who they learned to be named Aizawa, said bluntly. They nodded to show they understood. The class got dismissed, they stayed behind like they were told and given a uniform. Uncomfortable with the idea of locker rooms, the dark-fingered child opted to using a bathroom to change, putting their regular uniform into their school bag and hiding it in one of the liftable ceiling tiles. Hiding all their belongings in a spot only they knew was more than likely a smart move. They left and met up with the teachers in the directed area at the same time as the rest of 1A. Standing towards the back, next to Shoji as he was the only person they knew, they listened to All Might explain the rules. Rather boring to hear in their opinion.
It was all explained within a few short minutes. No attacks once they're down. If you're out of bounds or knocked out entirely, you lose, your opponent goes onto the next round to fight again. Fairly straightforward. The bracket was revealed and Y/N's first opponent was someone named Kyoka Jirou. They looked around and tried to figure out who it was. It sounded like they were a girl by their first name. Then again you can't always be sure. They settled on it being the purple haired girl with earphone jacks extending from her earlobes being their opponent. With their match being towards the middle, but still early on. They sat on the ground, twiddling with their blacked out fingertips, humming quietly to a song they remember hearing when visiting their Mama in the hospital.
She wasn't hurt, she was working there. She was a doctor. It was her birthday, and Y/N and Mom went to drop off flowers during her lunch break. When they met up, Y/N was holding the flowers like they were told. Their moms talked for a while and the sound of a piano caught their attention. It was from the room next to them. It sounded muffled and sad. Bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum, bum-bum, all of the same tune. Then it dropped to a deeper note and repeated with a little bit of a higher note towards the end. It took a while but they found the song to be "Fallen Down". They liked it and had listened to it ever since. Whenever they turned on their personal music, that was destined to play, along with similar songs like it. They watched the fights with the song playing in their mind, oddly making it all seem like a video game when the soundtrack messed up. The song replayed until it was their turn to stand in the small circular arena.
They stepped up and for some odd reason, they were right. The female presenting person with purple hair was their opponent. She looked determined, but at the same time, cautious. It made sense. They didn't know each other or their quirks. All Might called start time, and almost immediately, all shadows around them moved. As one of Jirou's earphone jacks went straight for their knees to knock them off balance, a black hand, smoking and horrific, shot up from the ground. It grabbed the cord thing between her ear and the jack, stopping it from hitting Y/N.
"Huh?" she mumbled. She looked at the hand confused before another hand popped up behind her, still from the ground, and yanked her to the ground. To everyone else watching, Y/N was just staring there, moving their hand in a fluid motion, controlling the shadow hands. Flicking their finger, the hand that had held on her arm, dragged her out of bounds before disappearing for good. Shadow Manipulation. That was their quirk. It was why their fingers, up to the final knuckle, were pitch black.
"Y/N wins this round! Well done!" All Might smiled brightly. They stepped out of the ring and went back to where they sat before their match, in the back, off to the side. They saw their next opponent was someone called Momo Yaoyorozu. Before even walking out of the classroom earlier, they heard Jirou call a taller raven haired girl Momo. So they knew who they were facing next, and from watching her round previous to theirs, they knew her quirk. She was a nice girl, clearly smart and able to fight with a solid strategy. Someone very easy to trust and grow a bond with.
Thinking of their fight, of several outcomes, with just about anyone fighting them hand to hand with a boundary they couldn't cross, they were actually grateful for some of the training they got from one of their parents' old friends a few months back. If they recalled correctly, her name was Angy or Andy, and she had a huge scar on her body that encased half her face and one of her arms. It was a blast or burn scar. That was one of her defining features, along with her eyes. Despite one being grayed out and blind from whatever gave her that massive scar, her eye was a bright blue. The kind where it seems like they glow and stare directly through your soul, knowing all your sins and mistakes. When they thought of a judgement day, when everyone is seen for all their wrong doings, those are the eyes of the judge. Terrifying, bright in color, but dull in a sense of what they've seen and been through. The eyes that you can never forget, and that haunt you. Y/N remembers when they once had a nightmare of those eyes and when they woke up, immediately began training instead of trying to sleep again. Training the many forms of hits and the many stable stances. They learned a lot from Andy. One of the many dodging abilities that she taught them, the one that they'd more than likely need if someone got too close to them in the ring, was to bend incredibly far back without falling. Like a Dio Pose, or something along those lines.
They watched the fights go by until it was their turn once again. Popping their knuckles for looser movements, they stepped into the ring again. Momo had undone her shirt, so it just hung open. They were a bit confused as she didn't do that for her last fight. It was odd but they went with it, wasn't their place to judge another person. Who knows, could help with her quirk! They had enough respect for her to not even look, they just focused on her stance and what she was more than likely going to do against them.


Nothing and no one is just filler.

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