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*It was morning .I picked up my shawel and bra which was next to wine bottle lying on the floor.I went out heading towards my car whien I got a phone call.It was SeokJin husband.*

jin:hi love how is paris?

y/n:very boring

jin:oh really and how was the meeting?

y/n:not good the deal was cancelled.*I lit up a cegaret and placed it between my lips  while talking to him.*

jin:oh okay listen dad called me and they are comming for lunch on sunday*I was about to lit it up when he heard the sound of opening the lighter.*

jin:what was that?*I quickly removed the cigaret from my mouth*

y/n:what ?

jin:wait don't tell me you are smoking again?

y/n:u-uh no?

jin:oh really again lying?

y/n:no babe i-i swear 

jin:then what is with that shuttering?

y/n:okay btw where is sana

jin:oh she is next to me drawing you wanna talk, take.*sana is my 1 year old daughter .jin handed the phone the sana as I could hear.*

jin (to sana):say hi to mommy 

y/n:oh hello darling 

sana:h-hello mommy

y/n:missing mommy?

sana:missy missy mommy

y/n:okay I am comming today okay?love you

jin:okay when is your flight ?

y/n:oh I am going there only

jin:okay then have a safe flight and hope to see you soon ,love you

y/n:l-love you too *my smile just disappeared when i said those words i noticed someone taking pictures of me I truned to see hobi, bare body taking my pics*

hobi:morning y/n

y/n:morning *i said as he bought my smile back*

hobi: who were you talking to?


hobi:oh what is the time?

y/n:we are late let's go

hobi:okay maam*he went in saying that*I wore my sweater and stood outside the car smiling through my phone seeing my sana's picture when hobi came . btw we have a secret place where we live it is in the forest*

 btw we have a secret place where we live it is in the forest*

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"let's go" *hobi said as I smiled.I sat on the driving  seat as I convinced hobi  and with that we drove off.One the way hobi was clicking some pictures.Hobi loves to take photos he always wanted to become a photographer.*

*then suddenly I came accross two divergent  roads  I got confused when hobi spoke*

hobi:baby take the left

y/n:but GBS is showing this right

hobi:but left is a short cut.

y/n:you sure?

hobi:yess baby

y/n:k?*so I took the left road .suddenly I started sobbing and hobi noticed it as he was taking my pictures of driving.*

hobi:you okay?

y/n:...*sob*I can't do this anymore..I am sorry I can't lie to my family I am sorry.

hobi:*sighed*y/n I also feel bad but when we are together , the happiness is always there with us.

y/n:do you remember,when we started this then what you told

hobi:that we both love each other.

y/n:as you also said that if this realationship doesn't work-

hobi:you want to leave Jin?


hobi:even I don't want to leave Wendy. so what is going on rn is perfect.

y/n:but this is wrong...

hobi:y/n do you want to leave me?*he asked in a soft way.*

y/n:.....yes-*but little did I know something happened that instant causing us to regret even more*


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