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*we both arrived at the police station*

officer:this man is missing for a year and the police knows no information about what happened exactly*I was afraid when he showed me suga's picture.But I didn't no show*

officer:and most weird thing is that near this missing man's house there was a lake where a car was drowned and behind the car there was a man found dead.We the officers and his brothers are having on one doubt one  person.And most importanlt there accident was occured.

*He showed me the sketch of hobi's picture*Do you know this man?

y/n:no *I lied.*

Tae:why are you dragging my friend in between officer.What is the relation of y/n and this guy or the accident in this matter ?

officer:the car who this man was driving, was miss y/n's car.I will tell you the plate number.          AR 146-

Tae:yea yea that was her car which was missing so she came to the office to report it-

officer:i know but there was no proof that the car was at the parking lot.

Tae:what are you trying to say that my friend has a connection with the accident?

officer:idk do you have a connection?

Tae:we're done right?

y/n:n-no I guess I forgot the parking lot ticket in the car only so I am thinking that the person took the parking lot ticket from there and stole my car.

officer:this maybe possible but I request you to give all the details when you went to Paris please.

tae:you will get it no worries.

officer:thank you have a good day

tae:you too*and we left from there*

*I came out of the building placed a cigarette in my mouth and it up when Tae came to me.*

Tae:I thought you left smoking*I glared at him*

y/n:do tell this to Jin

Tae:why so nervous?

y/n:no I am not

Tae:if not them I am James Corden*He said in a scarcastic tone*

y/n:seriously*I glred at him*

Tae:I know you from college tell.

y/n:.....*I didn't say anything and just keptstaring at the beautiful view infront of me

*I didn't say anything and just keptstaring at the beautiful view infront of me

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(y/n is not in paris now and yea pretend it is night)

tae:oh about that suga guy do you know him?

y/n:no *I lied for the 3rd time now*

tae:then what is the matter?why are you nervous

y/n:I was not in paris I was with someone else.

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